CE Gift Certificates

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CE Gift Certificates

Post by Coops »

Over the last few months there has been a rising tendency for players to purchase gift certificates for themselves. This is being done so that they can claim the Bonuses attached to a store purchase twice, once when they purchase the certificates and again when they use them.

We have reviewed this and feel its time to place a stop to it. From today onwards bonuses on Core Exile Gift Certificates will be paid out only once at the time of purchase.

This means that the purchaser will receive the bonuses (Mech Packs, Fuel bonus, XP Profession Boosters and Festive Points / or any other specials on offer at the time). After that they may either use the Gift certificates themselves or pass them on to others to use.

When a Gift certificate is then used as a purchase, that part of the purchase will not be included in any bonus schemes available at that time this includes Crazy Ivan events. We will of course honour a bonus if the purchase is part G.C and part real money. (for the value of the £ side of the purchase).

We feel this is only fair. Please note this is in affect as of this post.

This also affects store purchases using gift certificates gained through Victory Point conversions.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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