Hangar Upgrades

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Hangar Upgrades

Post by Coops »

The recent addition of Hangars has raised a few eye brows I'm sure over the last week. Some have taken to them like ducks to water some are shying away as if they were the devil himself, whilst others are forming orderly queues at the Festive store trading in their 'Festive Items' looking for a Universal Hangar License.
Well which ever camp you sit in these two add-ons will make the Hangar far more interesting.

Hangar Member Sales
The Hangar system now has a Sales section. From here you can sell your 'spare' ships on a Market to 'other UHL members'. You can peruse the ships on offer from other members and set your own sales price on a ship. Transactions have a sales tax based on Law Level of the location of the ship being sold.

Law Level one incurring a 11% sales Tax Law Level 12 a 1% sales tax. You can figure the rest :) Ships are bought and sold remotely without having to move the vessel or yourself unless you feel the need.

If purchasing, remember you need to BE at the location to Transfer into the ship. But that's why we have given each UHL member a special Shuttle. The shuttle can then be used to 'fly to' a location pick up the ship and return. Shuttles are available at all locations you find a Hangar at.

Why sell to a player? Well the ships stores have notoriously never offered much for a ship on a standard sale / trade. Take for instance trading in a Heavy Hauler. The Purchase price on this is 51,000,000 but on a trade in you only get offered 20,400,000. So as you can see there is a LOT of haggle room in there for private sales.

Automated Stream Lined Ship Strip
The latest upgrade to come to Hangars! A semi automated ship strip. No more removing load outs and then specials and then pods etc. Now you simply conform to a few pre-check requirements (listed below) and the transfer process will remove all the pesky items on your ship and place them in your stores.

Pre-check-list :
1)Ship is same type (you cant swap same for same)
2)You don't have the level to fly it (Must be capable of flying)
3)You have more than 3500 fuel (CHOOSE to remove tanks - warning all fuel is dumped)
4)You have cargo in the hold (tut tut - must be empty)
5)You have passengers (tut tut - must deliver)
6)You have a Seraphim Pod Fitted (Necessary evil as this adds a fat bonus)
7)You have a Rudolph Pod Fitted (This one is MOST important)
8)Ship must be of merchantable quality. (Armour, Hull 100%)

Pass these checks and the Auto Strip function does the rest.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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