Win an Engine / Upgrade

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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by FishON »

The reason why I like Core Exiles is it's unique kind of game-play. There's no PVP so players tend to be more friendly, kind, and approachable specially to starting players. The game Progresses at a pace where you have complete control over it, you can just check it once a day without loosing anything important on your game-play or you can play long hours to further speed up your in-game progress. Core Exiles is not just about leveling, you have to balance everything through proper managing, planning and organizing of your assets and liabilities as you level up. There is also a lot of fun, challenging and game fulfilling activities to do that you can only discover by playing, so you won't get stagnant doing same thing over and over again.

Another reason why I like Core Exiles and probably the greatest reason why I keep coming back to this game is the community as a whole and I have to thank the CE Devs, CE staffs and Guild Leaders for making an environment where respect, trust, and friendship are being practiced by everyone. You will experience this by joining the chat, accepting invitations or applying for a guild, reading or posting in the community forums, and by simply sending a message to a fellow player in-game. There is really no boundaries or wall in this game if you are willing to communicate with your Co-Captains. The only question left unanswered in Core Exiles is the one you never or hesitated to ask.
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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by Dragon »

First, I will tell you-I am old, ancient even. I have no luck playing games that require great hand-eye coordination. There are some out there that I play but this is different, if I get a phone call and have to leave to go somewhere-guess what? When I come back, be it in a few hours , a few days, or sometime next week, my ship is still there! Right where I left it in fact. To add a little humour to the game, your ship has a smart mouthed navigator or maybe second in command-but it seems to be his duty to dress you down every so often for some faux pas that you did, like trying to see your missions when you are docked in the jump gate. Lol. :roll: There are many things to do. You can spend your lifetime, that is left to you after you arrive in your new home, just hauling cargo from point A to point B. But, you have choices-oh! so many choices! I have only been here a month or so (gee, has it been this long?) and I have a wonderful mentor (these people don't push you into anything but they will answer your questions and help you anyway they can), and unlike other games I play and have played, no one seems to want to stab you in the back, or the front either! :? Oh, some may charge a little high for goods, but there are plenty of others who will tell you that there are cheaper places to buy and the game itself tells you that this place is high priced and that one give you the least but always takes almost anything, :lol: Just recently I put some extractors out-yes, thats right, I have been hauling them around all this time and now at level 23 (now 24) I put out my first extractors! :oops: Yesterday I received a notice that one had overstayed its time and my goods were confiscated and I needed to go and pick the extractor up. But the beauty of it is-I did not lose the extractor. I picked it up and redeployed it-it was still mine-no one had stolen it, or taken it from me. You can make things (they call it crafting and I have not tried it yet), you can go after pirates and such (I think, altho I have not personally been involved). The closest I have came is my artificially intelligent navigator telling me I had almost docked at a pirates den and that that was the dumbest thing he had ever seen me do! I could go on and on-it grows on you and like I said you can play in whatever time you have to play and still enjoy the game-no one is trying to take everything you have while you are gone. It's great! :)
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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by Cashew »

There are several things that I love about Core -Exiles, one of the most important things is the fact that I can play at my own speed.The players and staff in the game are the most helpful that I have ever seen in a computer game. The amount of different things that you can do is almost limitless. The game grabs your interest and does not let it go.
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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by Diarri »

The first thing that caught my attention after signing up and starting Core Exiles was the amazing complexity of the game, the amount of stuff to do and choices in front of you. It can be quite overwhelming at first though for me it meant a promise that, in opposition to so many online games, I won’t be bored after a few hours or I won’t run out of new things to do after a week or two. There’s always a new challenge waiting, new goal - put by the game or just by yourself, depending on your decision at the moment. I can focus on the combat but at any moment I can switch to mining, exploring, crafting or hauling. I can change which galaxy I prefer at the moment and, even if the game is built mostly on text and images, I feel different in crowded Sphere than in far away, alienated Furnace.
And there’s also such great community of players. It’s the first time in my experience of online games that I had basically stuff being thrown at me by other players: gear or money :) to help me advance and learn. Along with so many advices and patience in explaining the mechanics and rules, answering all kind of (quite often probably silly) questions. There’s still lots for me to discover and that makes every day of playing as exciting as that first time when my ship AI and I had an honour to meet our first hitchhiker and his towel... :D
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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by Coops »

Thanks to yet more captains offering to donate Level Five engines from their Coops Token Rewards I have now been able to increase this to NINE Engines to give away for this competition. So keep your posts coming - BUT PLEASE READ THE RULES! :)

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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by Tyrne Proctor »

I get bored easily. It's just my nature I think. CE is a game that offers a multiplicity of careers and professions that keep me coming back. I've been playing for a few years now, have yet to use a skill reset (which is another awesome thing offered by the game, ability to reset stats every 20 levels or so), and have a modest set of skills to engage in a number of professions. Finally, if my real life takes me away from CE for a week or so, I can return and pick up right where I left off. I've not encountered another game like this one in my years of online play.
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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by zoolii »

I think , answer is simple .... I play with it, because there is no better . :)
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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by paco1601 »

CE is the deeper game I ever played, we can do many, many jobs: mine ore, extract resources, refine ore, craft items, trade items, haul cargo, deliver passengers, recycle items, combat PvE, explore, build settlements and so on.
Playing increase Xp, level and money, we can do some jobs in the some time thanks to drones, we can change job everytime we want, there is a good chat and forum to ask for questions and talk to players, there are also Guilds thath give a big help.
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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by Oxynotus Dahl »

Core Exiles is a great game, with a lot of diversity and never gets boring. You always find new challenges as you progress.
It's great game which I've been playing for several years.

Keep up the good work Coops.

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Re: Win an Engine / Upgrade

Post by Quine »

Four reasons why I like Core Exiles:

- Career progression.
To start you can mine, haul cargo, or fight and then salvage your victims. Later there's planet exploration, crafting, resource extraction, manufacturing, derelict combat, and more. You'll train skills and find equipment as you progress. You might salvage a better laser out of a wreck, or find a cargo bay extension while mining asteroids.

- No grief.
You don't have to fight. If you choose combat, it is with the AI, not against players.
Player interaction is mainly through markets and chat. Players can't hurt you or steal your stuff.

- Fuel is a resource, not a hassle.
A lot of online games give you energy/fuel in real time, and then force you to log on frequently to grind it away.
Not in Core Exiles. Here you can store up fuel, and burn it fast or slow. A week of fuel and little time to play? Haul cargo on an expensive route, or power your salvage weapons for quick rewards. Time to spare? Fine-tune your cargo and passenger lists, or take missions, or trade, or fight.

- It's really free-to-play.
It's not pay-to-play, or pay-to-win. Options to spend real money are there, but not obtrusive. As a free player, I don't feel I'm missing out.