In need of assistance

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In need of assistance

Post by Sessanta »


during my initial training I was tasked with the destruction of drones. I did almost as tasked, except I destroyed the wrong drone, not the training drone, and for that reason I'm considered a pirate (could have been nice to be warned before the attack commenced, I don't think I was warned). Now from what I understood I am low in standing with the Gal-Fed faction and can't do anything to progress with the initial quests or even trade as I was initially instructed to do.
I don't know where to see my faction standing or how to increase it because I'm just a beginner. How can I fix my mistake and regain the trust of burocrats? I thought this kind of discrimination only happened in the core galaxy ;) ;)

Currently I'm stuck and had to put the game on hold.
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Re: In need of assistance

Post by Coops »

Hi there @Sessanta,

Factions in CE are affected (combat wise) by killing members of the opposing factions. So if you killed Gal-fed (Good Guy ships) you gain - faction with them and start to gain + faction with the pirates etc.

To reverse this back to being in good standing, simply kill a few bad guys. You currently have -10 Gal-fed (the good guys) and +10 Pirate faction. To get this back, simply kill a few ships (green ones).

Green targets flagged as Green in the 'Affiliation' column are Good guys, Red ones Bad guys.

There are sub factions that are affected by your overall faction scores, but overall if you check your faction ranking for Gal-Fed or Pirates you will see where you stand. To CHECK this go to the top right hand pull out tab (View Tasks) then click 'View Standings'. As I say for your very early low level interaction just check the Gal-fed and Pirate factions, they should be the opposite of each other, and you can flex them back and forth depending on what you 'kill'.

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Re: In need of assistance

Post by Sessanta »

Hi Coop

thanks to your instructions I went back to the combat area, found a pirate drone to destroy and cleaned my criminal record. All is good now, until the next! ;)
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Re: In need of assistance

Post by Patience »

Just to let you know that your standing with Confed works the same way - kill a Gal-Fed ship to improve standing with Confed and vice versa. Helps to have them both positive if you want to do missions for both factions. I currently kill 1 or 2 Gal-Fed ships in each pirate hunt and my Confed rank is rising slowly - no ill effects so far - may even reach a level when opens up Confed based NPCs. Here's hoping ;)
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