Adding Debris Fields and Dust Clouds?

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Adding Debris Fields and Dust Clouds?

Post by Yokose »

Hello all, I was wondering what players thought of adding Debris Fields and Dust Clouds to the game? It would add similarly like Astroid Fields and Nebula that are already available. I am thinking that the Debris Fields could be native to the new galaxy that will be coming in the future… they could be salvaged for some of the resources that are native to the new galaxy. There could also be a slightly higher chance of getting Misc loot and Artifacts as well. Dust Clouds could be dotted across all of the galaxies and harvested for their resources also. I figured that it would add variety, what do you all think?

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Re: Adding Debris Fields and Dust Clouds?

Post by Lutes »

Splendid idea Yokose. These could be found via exploration of the new galaxy? May require new types of scanners to harvest them.
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Re: Adding Debris Fields and Dust Clouds?

Post by MadMaxxx »

Something new for Miners to do and the rest of us too :D I like the idea.
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Re: Adding Debris Fields and Dust Clouds?

Post by MarcSp »

I am always for any suggestions which increase activities for miners/ORSA/harvesters/resource-scrounging in general.

We have had similar suggestions before (Comets, Rogue Asteroids), but they weren't taken up.
Hopefully we will see something in the new CORE galaxy.
I'd hope we would see two things: PERMANENT system map features like asteroid fields and nebulas (call these Dust Clouds),
and TEMPORARY system map features like RAIDS, Pirate bases, Alien derelicts, (call these debris fields, comets, rogue asteroids).
Each with different resources. As usual, maybe new scanners/harvesters/lazers/etc needed to reach these goodies.
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