Trash or Treasure, or is it Trash into Treasure?

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Gabby Newsome
CE ISN Reporter
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Trash or Treasure, or is it Trash into Treasure?

Post by Gabby Newsome »

Hello fellow spacefarers! It’s Gabby Newsome with the News You Can Use.

Is your hold or secure store overflowing with stuff you don’t need? U-Haul Technologies may have a solution for you!

You may recall that U-Haul technologies designed the wonderful Recycling Processing Units for Captains to sift through their mountains of excess items and reduce them into raw materials.

In an effort to assist in the war effort, U-Haul technologies has developed a Settlement Misc. Bulk Recycler. These units are designed to be installed on level 6 and above settlements. They allow captains to drop off their miscellaneous items for recycling. This is on a first come, first served basis so you may want to look around for one that isn’t too busy.

The settlement gets a cut (for hosting the unit) and you will receive resources based on the efficiency of the unit. If you frequent a favourite recycling station, you will eventually begin to earn a loyalty bonus, which will in turn also affect the efficiency of the Recycler.

U-Haul technologies is hoping this service will increase the amount of raw materials that will be needed for Battleship construction.

For the settlement owner, this building is a permanent structure, once placed it is there forever. U-Haul technologies is hoping the percentage of the resource will be enough of an inducement for captains to purchase one and install it.

This is Gabby Newsome, signing off.
Star Field Reporter - ISN NEWS
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