The Gates

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The Gates

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These data chips are indexed and annotated with cross references. I managed to find a data chip on the first gate. They are so mixed up it’s difficult to find sequential ones.

The first gate was discovered outside the Kuiper belt This was about 450 years ago by automated scout ships designed and built by Deep Star Creations. When the news reached Earth construction began on a research vessel and two years later the first scientific team was sent to investigate.

Meanwhile scout ships were assigned to watch the gate while others sent back as much information as they could about the gate, taking thousands of readings to determine whether it was functional or not.

The first information sent back stunned the scientists back on earth. The diameter of the gate was large enough to pass the earth through with room to spare! The thickness of the ring was over 1,500 kilometers! This answered the question as to why it was constructed out so far, it was large enough to create its own gravitational field, though it was greater than the mass of the gate itself should generate.

Almost immediately the arguments began on whether the gates should be investigated or left alone. Doomsday cults sprung up claiming the race that built the gates were only waiting for it to be activated, then they would sweep in and enslave humankind. Something this large was obviously constructed by a race, or races advanced enough that to them humans were probably insignificant.

The big question was, why build a gate and then leave it?

The scientist methodically went about studying the gate, oblivious to the turmoil back home. They determined that it had power. They couldn’t determine from where or how it was powered.

After all this time we still don’t know how they are powered. Of course once we decided the power was stable, and seemingly endless, we stopped looking too deeply. It was enough to know they worked.

After another year they discovered what was apparently the “control room”. After much debate three individuals were selected to enter the control room while the research vessel moved off to a “safe” distance, though there were arguments over how far was safe even.

The three scientists entered, the lights came on and atmosphere poured into the room. Somehow the gate detected their physiological needs and provided the correct balances of gasses, temperature and humidity to support human life. After another lengthy consultation the three removed their helmets and began to look around.

Every move was broadcast back to the research vessel as they began studying the single console that was before them. One console to potentially unlock the rest of the universe!

One console, amazing. Of course if you are going to leave tech laying around you want others to use you would use the KISS principle ‘keep it simple stupid’.

After a week with no ill effects the research vessel moved closer and another seven scientists joined the first three and earnest investigation began. Teams were switched out every five days, though many scientists didn’t want to leave at the end of their rotation.

Translation of the symbols into language was the difficult part. Think of your ship's control panel or street signs, filled with symbols, easily understood by everyone. Everyone knows On, Off, etc.
The scientists were faced with symbols, with no reference to what they were for. Were they pictures, letters, numbers or a combination of all three?

Slowly they began to decipher the symbols. Many were mathematical and based on 16 digits, which was perfect for computers, but difficult for men to deal with. Deep Blue was introduced to the project. The A.I. wasn’t allowed to know what the project was, but was fed selected data and progress was made.

Conflict over control of the gate continued even as the scientists continued their work.

Almost a decade after it’s discovery a scientist by the name of Peter Asakowa pushed the “start” button on the console and the gate became active.

A set of lights on the console indicated a thirty-two digit number. Later it would be determined to be the gate address of the receiving gate. Mankind was now linked to the Universe!
Dana Dawson
Data Recovery Tech
Historical Archives Division
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