Engineered items & Crafting

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Engineered items & Crafting

Post by Coops »

Ever since we introduced Engineered items there has been a strong resentment to their presence and the use of them in schematics. We have tried every way we can to make it easier for players to collect debris and engineers to pass on these end items but it seems that a small % of the community need them and a vast % of the community are unwilling to sell them to the those that need them.

This has all but stalled the crafting process in game and as such I have this morning REMOVED all Engineered items from schematics. I will review over the next few days the cost affects and probably increase the values of a few items to slightly compensate but the need for 'Engineered End products' in Schematics is gone.

Engineering will become a crafting process of it's own creating items directly and not as part of an end process for normal Schematic crafting. This will mean those of you with PA accounts will be in a position to craft items that you can then sell on to players as an end product. (or fit and use directly yourselves).

I personally find it sad that the community could not resolve this itself, but I guess not every add will be met with open arms. I have taken this step to ensure the long term playability of CE and to restore order to Crafting and Player advancement.

Engineers please bear with us for a while whilst we add a new function for Engineered items. This will in no way lessen the need for end product items but will add items that you can personally use and sell. (This should effectively place the shoe on the other foot with your items being highly sought rather than being a blockage to trade.)

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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