NPC Competition

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NPC Competition

Post by Coops »

I'm going to be having a drive for adding a whole new slew of NPC's to the Game. Call it a spring-cleaning of items that have been on the whiteboard far to long :) I'm NOT asking players to 'write' Missions, what I'm offering is you the opportunity to 'Name' and 'Create a Bio' for these new NPC's.

Few Rules...

You must choose an image to go with your entry - Please use Zip file and select Image number.
You must create a name that fits within our family rules set and must not be named after a player.
Your Bio must be no longer than 3 paragraphs and must be in legible English.

Please check and recheck your entries for spelling and grammar. My own spelling etc is not the best so be good if you could pre spell check your own work first :) there are plenty of online spell checkers if you don't have one to hand.

I will be writing the NPC missions for the NPC's that are selected from the entries and will use the image, name and bio as a primer for the new NPC. So following the rules is important. Please give them a read before submitting suggestions / entries.

You may enter as many times as you wish and the competition will remain open until I feel we have enough usable entries.

Prizes Per NPC Selected
You will be awarded :
1 X Exiles Resource Token
1 X 10K Fuel Ticket
20 Pet Treats

You will also be added to a new category group on the forums 'Contributor'.

Images to choose from : This pack of images 116 - Virus free Zip download.
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by Fitzbacon »

Calamie Porstra,
[IMG 34]

Calamie Porstra, originally from Praxidike and former mid-level executive of the Krell Corporation, became somewhat of a recluse following her revelations to Con-Fed, and, some say to Gal-Fed, which exposed the Krell Corporation following the Gal-Fed/Con-Fed wars.

Originally given a seven year sentence in a Con-Fed labor camp for her part in the scandal, she was eventually exonerated and spirited away to exile.

Nowadays, she spends her time collecting war artifacts and writing memoirs, but she is always happy to sit down with visitors to chat about old times.
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by Fitzbacon »

Tiddar Skulpar
[IMG 61]

Long time resident of [insert location], Tiddar has been a roving reporter for over fifteen years. He is always on the lookout for snippets of news or scandal.

When not actively writing for the Galactic News, he spends his time in art restoration and tinkering with old Terran timepieces.

He will, for the price of an alcoholic beverage, show you his latest project.
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by Sunflowers »

Sylvia Skoply
[IMG 31)

Hailed as one of the finest scientists of her time Sylvia Skoply was riding high at the top of her career when a disastrous accident with a malfunctioning jump gate a few years ago ended it abruptly and almost killed her. Some people think it may not have been an accident because Sylvia had hinted that she was on the brink of making a discovery that would put a lot of powerful people out of business.

She is now running a chain of bookstores but there are rumours that she is teaching a few hand-picked students to follow in her footsteps. Who they are, no-one knows because they're all keeping a very low profile - for obvious reasons.
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by Sunflowers »

Kenzo Miriami
[IMG 56]

Kenzo Miriami is a mysterious character. Many centuries ago he and Henry Benford (on Garund in Mostony) studied at the "Serendipitous Serenity Centre", graduating with honours and the highest marks of their year. Like Henry Benford, Kenzo Miriami is very picky about who he chooses to talk to and it will take a very long time before he deigns to even acknowledge your presence.
Last edited by Sunflowers on Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by Sunflowers »

Dwayne Dester
[IMG 88]

A larger than life character Dwayne Dester has "been there, seen that, done it all" - and he will tell you about it at great length, so it's best to set aside several hours and a large roll of creds for drinks whenever you meet him.
Last edited by Sunflowers on Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by Sunflowers »

Mukomo Nado
[IMG 47]

If you want anything repaired Mukomo Nado is the man for the job. He has a reputation for being able to fix ANYTHING, from a chronometer to an ion drive and his fees are extremely low. Many people have told him to charge more so he could live in luxury and expand his business but he refuses, saying that "tinkering around" makes him so happy that he'd do the jobs for nothing if he didn't have bills to pay.
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by Sunflowers »

Shesteen Moolr
[IMG 32]

Over the past 3 decades Doctor Shesteen Moolr has revolutionised the world of AI. She and her team were responsible for many of the features we take for granted on our ships' AI systems. Rumour has it that she, personally, invented the sarcasm chip fitted to them as standard!
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by LordLinux »

Rod Sperling Rev AI22
[IMG 45]

Rod may sound familiar; he is the brain-transferred AI derived from the original Sci-Fi and Fantasy writer's frozen head.

Although he [it] is now in his 22nd iteration of 'renewal', he still heads up one of the most arcane, even ancient media collection publishing companies dating back several hundred years and has amassed a startingly HUGE fortune, even by today's standards!

One of Rod's 'pet peeves' is the theft and illegal sales and distribution of his company's copyrighted collections, for which he has considered hiring private 'enforcers' to seek out these criminals and do what it takes to slow down this activity and recover stolen materials.
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Re: NPC Competition

Post by LordLinux »

Dr. Finius J. Who
Img 48

Finius is very distant relative of the original inventor and patent-holder of the red-rectangle tele-transporter device, which was originally designed and tested all the way back in the (gasp!) 20th century. Although immediately outlawed back then due to the unforseen negative effects on the space-time continuum, it is believed that he is working on an improved version, similar to current N.E.I. devices but much more efficent and exacting, rumoured to allow instantaneous teleportation between any two points in the known universe.

He is an extreme recluse and is very wary of any strangers that wish to speak to him for fear of continued corporate attempts to steal his work.
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