Competiton - Create New Events

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Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Coops »

It's been a long time since we ran anything like this, but I think there are enough of you out there that might enjoy this one. I know we have a number of players with over active imaginations and some who enjoy taking part in the new header post at times.

But... this one is open to everyone although the VI / Blind may need the assistance of a sighted person to find images for their posts.

What's the challenge Coops?

Well we have a number of 'Events' in Core-Exiles. For the sake of the competition I'm going to limit them to some specific categories so please make sure you READ fully before running off to pick up a digital keyboard and start scribbling....

Planet Exploring - This one if some wondering around the planets exploring in and out of your ECO vehicle.

Expanse and Non Expanse (Please indicate)
Results - Good / Bad
Affects - Credit +/-
Award Items - Yes / No

Note on items: You may NOT directly say what it is (that's decided by the game code) so refer to them as 'Ohhh a shiny crate' or something like that. saying you found a Red Crystal etc simple will get the entry ignored. Stick to the above or things like a 'Box of goodies' :)

Expanse Mech Exploring - This one is in dire need of more Good Bad Events. This is exploring using Mechs.

Results - Good / Bad
Affects - Credit +/-
Award Items - No
- Items cannot be awarded for this action.

Derelict Exploring - This one if some wondering around the Derelicts on foot.

Results - Good / Bad
Affects - Credit +/-
Award Items - Yes / No

Note on items: You may NOT directly say what it is (that's decided by the game code) so refer to them as 'Ohhh a shiny crate' or something like that. saying you found a Red Crystal etc simple will get the entry ignored. Stick to the above or things like a 'Box of goodies' :)

General Game Play - This one is generated whilst moving around in CE, you've all had these 'Events' there are currently 90 of them but we need a LOAD of new fresh ones to brighten the place up.

Results - Good / Bad
Affects - Credit +/-
Award Items - Yes / No

Note on items: You may NOT directly say what it is (that's decided by the game code) so refer to them as 'Ohhh a shiny crate' or something like that. saying you found a Red Crystal etc simple will get the entry ignored. Stick to the above or things like a 'Box of goodies' :)


So whats required for an entry Coops?
I'm glad you asked! What i need form you is Two to Three Short paragraphs of Funny, family friendly tongue in cheek Events. Choose a Category from above, choose if its a good even or bad event. Let me know if it requires an item (if the found something). Pen up your entry and ensure you include the following :

1: Event Type (as per above, choose one of the Red Categories)
2: Title for the Event
3: Event Text (2-3 short paragraphs Alpha numeric Text ONLY.)
4: Image selected (see below this post for a Download link for a Zipped pack of 362 images. You may use any of these images but only 1 per event. All I need is the image name.

You MAY make as many entries as you wish. But please THINK before posting, one liners and poorly constructed entries will simply be ignored.


Whilst the competition is open I will select my favourite entries. Those I will compile and add to the game as the competition rolls on. I will make updates to the post and announce when I've drawn some winners. You can continue to post for the length of the competition.

EACH ENTRY Chosen will gain the Posted Owner an EXILE RESOURCE TOKEN!

1: First off - off topic posts, or posts that do NOT conform to the entry requirements will be ignored.
2: This is a family based game, any poor judgement on that part will mean the submission is ignored.
3: Whilst you MAY relate to player names / locations this must be done in the best possible taste, nothing derogatory or inflammatory.
4: It must be in ENGLISH - if this is not your first language please run through a spelling checker. I have enough to do lol :)
5: You must complete EACH of the Five requirements for the entry to be considered.
6: HAVE FUN!!!!!!

Download Event Images 362 Images

Time Frame
This comp will remain open for a length of time to be determined by the amount of response it gets.

I will soon start pulling a bunch of the submitted ones but you are free to continue to post more! [edited 2nd August]
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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Halmir »

1: Event Type:

General Game Play

2: Title for Event:

That's not an asteroid!

3: Event Text:

Well, How was I supposed to tell that the "asteroid" the sensors detected wasn't really an asteroid? You were the ninny that failed to recalibrate the sensors when we were last in port! Just be thankful for the goodies within it and that we didn't run into it and damage the ship. I know I am.

Results: Good
Credits: +
Award Items: Yes

4: Event image:

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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by pikolinianita »

Cat: Mech Exploration
Title: Good Mech! Bring it to me! //like you’d talk to dog
Captain, you are a genius. Taking extractor hoppers and attaching them to exploration mech was not an easy task, then you spent weeks on training AI to pick-up valuable items, not just common rocks or Fresh Alien Meat. Now mech is returning…

Hopper is full of Alien Engineering Systems! Its outstanding success! At least 1500 units! And some Alien Containers - including two unknown to science, and this little shiny thing must be an Alien Spore - Destruction! Strange, we have no record of one with blinking light…


Disaster! Eco Destroyed, Ship reduced to Marauder, -10 levels for Captain :P

Picture: Image

<img src="images/weapons/al_loot10.jpg"> - just picture of Alien Spore - Destruction - not sure it is in imagepack :(
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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Sunflowers »

Cat: Planet exploration - Expanse. Can be either bad or good.


Well! It looks as though we're not the first to set foot on this planet. This camp has been long deserted and it seems as though whoever they were left in a hurry. I wonder what happened to them. At least we've got a few crates out of it. Now to open them ...

Image b6

Results - Good / Bad
Affects - Credit +/- 3,000
Award Items - Yes / No
Last edited by Sunflowers on Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:01 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Sunflowers »

Cat: Planetary Exploration - non-Expanse.


Ooooh, nice! We've found some barrels. I've read the labels on them so I know they're worth picking up and I've just looked up the value on the GalacticGrid. Good job we've got our ECO vehicle because these are heavy. Let's get them on board our ship and stash them in the hold then we can sell them on later.

Image: b12

Results - Good / Bad
Affects - Credit + 5000
Award Items - Yes
Last edited by Sunflowers on Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:01 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Sunflowers »

Event: General gameplay. Bad?


Oh stop griping Captain! It's for your own good! If the medics say you''re overweight and have to go on a diet it's not my fault is it. No, we do NOT have any pizzas or beer on board. I asked the maintenance crew to remove them all when we docked for our last overhaul. We don't want you to fall back into bad habits again, do we now.

Image: d9
Credits: -500
Award Items - No
Last edited by Sunflowers on Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:03 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Sunflowers »

General event: Bad


That really DOES look bad Captain. You should have taken your flashlight when you went stumbling around in the dark in those ruins in the mountains on Glom. The tour guide told everyone not to go there after sundown but you just had to be the one to go out to relieve yourself and head the wrong way. Good job that dry well wasn't deeper or they might never have found you.

It'll take a while to pay off your medical bills too. Your insurance has expired.

Image: found_19

Results - Bad
Affects - Credit -7,000
Award Items - No
Last edited by Sunflowers on Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:03 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Sunflowers »

Event: mech exploration in Expanse. Bad.


Oh dear. That's one pricey mech lost to those Javorans. Good job it wasn't a human but it's going to take us a while to stump up the credits to buy a new one.

Image: evmech2

Results - Bad
Affects - Credit - 5,000
Award Items - No
Last edited by Sunflowers on Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Sunflowers »

General event: good


Oooh!!! You have a secret admirer Captain. No, I REALLY don't know who sent them. A courier came on board at our last stopover and left it inside the airlock just before we took off. I've run an inspection routine over the contents as a precaution and I can't find any traces of toxic substances. They're exactly what they seem to be: just a box of chocolates and candies - plus a large credit note.

Results - Good
Affects - Credit + 5,000
Award Items - No

Image: v_3
Last edited by Sunflowers on Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Competiton - Create New Events

Post by Sunflowers »

General event: Good


I don't normally approve of betting - especially when it's you who's doing it. You're not exactly known for your good judgement, are you. However, this time you've done really well with the Utono Olympics. I never thought that 300-1 outsider was going to win the Heavy-Gravity High Jump.

Oh. Don't tell me any more. I really don't want to know. I thought there was more to it than there appeared to be when I saw those mean-looking thugs pursuing you! Good job you managed to get inside the ship just in time!

Results - Good
Affects - Credit + 7,500
Award Items - No

Image: oly_beacon
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