We need Your Support

This section covers latest updates and changes within the game. Posts here are made by the Developers and if you only read 1 Section - make it this one!
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We need Your Support

Post by Coops »

This is a permanent post and I will be linking to it in Header News posts from time to time. Many players don't read my Dev PM's and even less visit chat, so I'm a little limited in how else to get players aware of the fact that CE needs your support :)

CE is not a corporate company or even a small business with any backers. It's a Solo Developer who's been at this now for over a decade and a half. Over that time its been funded by CE players who have supported the game through store purchases and through direct support from yours truly bank account when needed.

We run two high level Servers with excellent backbone connections and unlimited traffic quotas. But that does not come cheap. We advertise through various advertising networks and Facebook. We also have to pay for Artwork licensing and several 3rd party services to ensure that CE is both legal and safe.

Needless to say, none of that comes cheaply...

So Each month I add a sales pitch here in the Development & News section. It's added on the 1st of each month and contains, discounts, special offers (often Buy One get One Free Deals) and of course the Discount code for that month.

Along with the offers I always post a Special reward system for spends over given amounts. These rewards are often worth more than the actual spend so PLEASE check them out :) You can earn yourself a Phat amount of rewards when supporting CE.

Again that post is made on the 1st of each Month and is normally titled something like ' Official CE Sales'.

Your financial support means not only can we pay our bills, but that once we reach a break point we can extend our advertising and stop yours truly from having to go do '3rd Party' work to help support CE. The more time I'm working on a website or some 3rd party site to pay for CE the less time I'm coding new code for CE.

The CE Store can be found OVER HERE - CE STORE

You don't have to create an account if you don't want too (although creating one has a bonus READ HERE) We use PayPal as our payment gateway but again if you wish to pay by credit card and don't have a PayPal account they will simply act as a normal payment processor. You do NOT need a PayPal account to use PayPal.

Lastly, if you do support (THANK YOU) remember to add your in game Captain Name to the Box provided. Also any other information about your purchase. If you forget (we all do from time to time) simply drop me an in game PM with the order Number.

CE has been around since 2011 (Officially) and with your support we will be here for a lot longer :)


Server Reward! - For each spend during a month that is over £25 in value I will add 500 units of Fuel into EVERYONE account. The fuel will be in the form of a Fuel Ticket and be added on the 1st of each month depending on the previous months support.

Monthly Life Time PA Draw - I'm also reinstating the lifetime PA draw. Make a purchase any size and get entered into a Life Time PA draw. Drawn on the 1st of the Month based on purchases in the previous month. If you already have a lifetime PA I will add a Fuel Ticket to the same Store (current) value.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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