ORSA Pro Upgrade

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ORSA Pro Upgrade

Post by Coops »

I have added a few tweaks to the ORSA Pro Viewer option today. The Account Upgrade was added a while back now and whilst many use it, it has had its criticisms for being limited in what it offers.

Whilst I've made changes and opened up its usefulness I also have to be mindful of making it 'too powerful' and unbalancing. So please bear this in mind when making comments.

I have removed the Expanse blackout for the ORSA Pro Tool. This data was being shared remotely on another website anyway so I figured we may as well relent with this lockdown. So both elements (the original) and the new section will display Expanse resources and locations.

The second upgrade is a Section to look up a specific resource. This then lists all the locations it's currently spawned. With the usual data on the spawn. Of course, giving you the Planet and system data. I'll leave you to figure out the Galaxy lol.

Hopefully, this will make the ORSA Pro Account Upgrade even more popular :)

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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