Festive NPC's Sent Out

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Festive NPC's Sent Out

Post by Coops »

Today sees the launch of the Festive NPC's across the Universe. These NPC's are currently the Halloween ones and are looking to Trade your Pumpkins for XP, Fuel Tickets and XP boosters and IP. You'll need to visit each one and figure out what they want and give in return.

These were added to Player Settlements and if you missed out READ THIS POST and register for a Festive NPC.

These Festive NPC's have been sent out by the Festive Center and will be replaced by Guy Fawkes, then Christmas NPC's as the next few months roll on. So those that gain a NPC will keep one for quite some time!

Have Fun Folks!

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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