Collecting Credits

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Collecting Credits

Post by SpaceBucks »

In the PRIVATE MESSAGES and NOTIFICATION areas of the in-game e-mail there is a heading that states "CREDITS?".
What is thought of allowing the ability to collect the credits by clicking under the "CREDITS?" column without the need to open the message?
Or how about just having the credits go directly to the ship's account and then just have the message let one know how much was transferred?
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Re: Collecting Credits

Post by Elkhorn »

Every click in the game has a purpose. There are many things going on in the background every time there is any transfer of goods, credits, etc. The open and click is probably another "cheat proofing" of the game. Also, many people want to be sure what they are accepting. I for one often click on the "next" button then go...wait, what was that "rare loot" or whatever I collected. Sometimes extra clicks are nice.
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Re: Collecting Credits

Post by Coops »

If you have a single message with credits attached it is true to need you need to enter that message to be able to collect its credits.


If you have more than 1 message with credits attached the PM system offers you a button marked 'Collect All Credits'. This saves you time by collecting ALL credits in one go form any message with credits attached.

We figured that 1 message with credits was likely to be something you would 'WANT' to read. Where as if you have lots of them these are likely to be automated messages with credits therefore we added the collect all button for ease of collection.


PS the mail system foundations were laid down a LONG LONG time ago. So far we have had no suggestions along this line, but I'm not adverse to thinking about some changes.
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Re: Collecting Credits

Post by SpaceBucks »

Thanks, Coops,
Though it should be noted that the "collect all credits" button only appears when there are credits to be had.
It works, but it does collect every credit in the message account (notification and inbox -- at least it did for me."

Personally, I like to scan each message before grabbing my ill-gotten monies. My query was if others did the same thing, or if folks simple grab and run.

I can make the system work regardless.

Stay frosty -- SpaceBucks
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