CE Store only Schematics?

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CE Store only Schematics?

Post by Holiday »

so as far as I know this hasn't been brought up before and I think it could have the ability to help the game, and to allow for something I know folks have asked for before.

why not allow for CE store only schematics? ah yes, before some of you yell in outrage just hear me out. first off this could bring in some $$ for CE and to keep coops in tea and crumpets...or whatever he prefers while he codes CE.
secondly this could allow for something I know I've seen people talking about and asking for in the forums, and something I'd personally love to see. in combat the biggest EBK you can use is 4k, for people who have a shield over that you are forced to use 2 if not 3 or 4 of them. why not have CE store only schematics, this would allow for something in game people want, so you know there is a demand for them while at the same time bringing in money for CE. not only EBKs but also for matrix that will repair for more than the current max matrix 8s. for things like this that are needed in the hundreds it would be beneficial to see the schematics as CE store only schems, as it would be very pricy to buy them constantly as an item from the store and I don't think as many people would put forth the money for something reusable.

thoughts, comments? I like the idea and those I've talked to like it as well...and would love to see it implemented, I assume the coding wouldn't be to terrible either, an EBK that repairs for 8k, just use double the resources as a 4k EBK and make it CE store only.
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Re: CE Store only Schematics?

Post by Shinter »

I think the main issue with schematics through the store in general is that one person buys them, and just makes that thing for everyone in the game. So that would of course be the first hurdle to tackle for any idea like this.
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Re: CE Store only Schematics?

Post by Holiday »

Shinter wrote:I think the main issue with schematics through the store in general is that one person buys them, and just makes that thing for everyone in the game. So that would of course be the first hurdle to tackle for any idea like this.

I didn't think of that, but that's because I would want to buy them and make them for myself...not have others do it for me. if there are people who would do that then I suppose that could be a problem, but don't ya think if that was the case then that would happen with all other schematics in game? I know with other schems that are expensive, yes I know not from the store, but multi million credit schems multiple people buy them, both fo personal use and to sell the finished project. the simple fact of the CE economy would make more folks buy them to beat anothers sale price.
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Re: CE Store only Schematics?

Post by siddharth »

how about account upgrade like eco repair :)

just press a repair button and ship will heal after each battle will be hul and armor but well it will be a start
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Post by Holiday »

yeah, that would be a help out but don't know how it would work into the game story line. it would have to do one of two things.
either the upgrade would allow you to use what EBKs & omega drones you want with a single push of the button, still taking them out of your ship stores after being used. that would be amazing and I would be first in line to buy that out of the store.
second I suppose it would have to charge credits and repair your ship while in orbit, and if the prices are similar to when docked that wouldn't be a very viable solution, 10s of thousands per repair would put you in the hole pretty quick.
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Re: CE Store only Schematics?

Post by Darakhoranon »

Holiday wrote:...keep coops in tea and crumpets...or whatever he prefers while he codes CE...
That's Fresh Foods - Frozen Foods and Ready Meals also work but don't really make for a happy Coops... :lol:

Ok, seriously, I believe Shinter has hit upon the main point against CE store schematics. Making the finished items non-tradeable would negate this particular problem but it would also mean a kind of "pay to win"-situation (granted, we don't directly compete, but still).

Maybe a limit on how many "advanced EBKs" (i.e. EBKs made with CE store schematics) could be sold in a given period would work? E.g. you could only sell 100 per month, meaning the assumed demand for these items would lead to several people getting these schematics.
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Re: CE Store only Schematics?

Post by Holiday »

I'd be all for it even with strict trading/selling limitations, though I don't know if that would be a issue, I understand the worries some might have about it. making the suggestion I admittedly wasn't thinking about that as I just wanted them for personal use and figured others were probably ready for upgrades as well. it does make me think about other things in game where this situation could have applied, one person buying something and then everyone going through them for the use of that item. I don't know of anything that fits that classification, but then again there aren't any CE store only schematics in the game right now. perhaps a trading limit would be the only way, or to just simply make the finished item non tradable, just having them in game would be nice. like I said, my thought process wasn't to make credits off crafting them and then selling to those who haven't bought the schems, but to be able to make them and use myself.

along the same lines, how about pods extending the current omega line, a Midas device type 5, 6, 7, 8...and upwards?
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Re: CE Store only Schematics?

Post by Coops »

The only way I can really see this type of thing working is to create build limited schematics. But i cant see that being popular lol. Seen it in several other games but it would be a step in the wrong direction here I think.

The idea is sound but we would only ever sell a few Schems and that would be it.

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Re: CE Store only Schematics?

Post by Darakhoranon »

That's probably true, Coops, but what about "vanity schematics"?
E.g. a CE store only schematic for a (slightly modified) Stormbringer Phaser SB 1 that does just +5 damage compared to the "normal" one but would be called "[crafter's name] Stormbringer Phaser SB 1".
I'm not sure you'd find many buyers for a schematic like that, either (well, apart from Rexx... ;-) ), but I thought it should at least be mentioned.
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Re: CE Store only Schematics?

Post by pikolinianita »


You've mentioned some time ago there will be "Shake and Bake" quasi-schematics.. That was about Aurora, iirc. You could introduce new kind of "Aurora builds" in CE Store. For Example T3 units, but also other expendable items, like more advanced Mech Parts, better CSI Filters, better rockets, maybe crystals, and so on, and so on.
If you set production time properly one player won't supply all game, only few fellow players. There is a lot of issues with balancing, of course :(

If not Aurora, there could be separate facility on settlements. That would be even better idea, Quasi-schematics here could use all resources, not only QMGs. Or even MISC items or modules, not only resources. That would add another limiting factor.
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