August Thoughts - Post & Win

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August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by Coops »

It's time for another competition and time for me to give stuff away! Someone made a comment yesterday which tbh stuck a nerve but then again I wasn't that surprised. So I'm looking for posts on what you're looking forward to next in CE or what you want added to CE.

Now I don't want manuals or essays but one or two paragraphs about either of the two points above (lets see who bothers to read what I just wrote shall we) ;)

#1 Your Captain Name
#2 Your Response

Reward / Prize
1 X 1 Month PA
10 X 30% XP Booster

Please keep on topic (even if the topic is wide ranging). No replies to other folks posts, make it simple for the old man to follow and hand out prizes.

#1 Only One POST / Entry per captain

Competition will remain open till the end of August (2014) AT that time I will review the thread and award prizes to those who read my opening remarks and took part. Whilst this is a competition every sensible entry will win and I'm interested to hear what players ave to say!

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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by swampwallaby »

Captain Swampwallaby.
I am really looking forward to the AI war board and being able to deploy these Genesis goodies. Can't wait to see how it works. I'm hoping for some complexity in the process so that I have to think about what units I should be building and what combinations to deploy them in.
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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by Korth »

Captain Korth

I am looking for ward to Genesis the upgrades and the Warboards. I am hoping the future for Genesis includes more structures for production (ie QMG Biologicals) and a way for the Coalition to drive back the AI out of occupied systems. Perhaps directing output of Warboards to a system?

I am also waiting for Starbases and hope that they can act as anchors (for Guild?).
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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by aRJay »

Captain aRJay.

I am looking forward to the next phase rollout of 3 things in CE, Level 2 Crew Missions, Genesis Warboard & Starbase licences.

I would like to see NPC mission chains for higher level Captains preferably tied in with some of the newer aspects of the game.
Lvl 114: Settlement Diaspar (L6): Guild Intelliquest

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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by Shinter »

Captain Shinter

Like aRJay, I'd love to see my ship crew level up, and be offered upgraded missions to meet their skills. I'd also like to see them have a role on ship, boosting corresponding areas of my gameplay or something along those lines.

I'd also love to see more uses for certificates, along the lines of their role in the new AMR's. So overall, I guess I'd say updates to the existing systems in-game, many of which have plenty of room to grow :)
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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by Zoorland »

Captain Zoorland says: I... I don't think I left any comments yesterday, Coops. ;)

Oh goodness, not an essay? Alrighty then. Well, I too am looking forward to the expansion of Genesis plots and the release of the War Board. I am just now finally gearing up for a Genesis deployment myself (hey, I've been busy), but I am excited for the prospects of this new area of development for the game. But as a mid-level captain I basically look forward to any update that occurs outside the Expanse. :p

While guild starbases themselves don't particularly interest me at this time I do look forward to seeing just what they bring into the game. But more to the point, as a leader of a small guild I would love for the game to simply have more guild-focused activities in general. That is one of the very few areas that I feel is truly underdeveloped in the game. I have no specific requests to that end at the moment (so helpful!), I simply hope for some future development. I, uhh... also wish Asteroid Fields FU12, FU22, and FU32 (I think those are the missing ones, off the top of my head) would finally be made available in far-Eastern Furnace and of course for the imminent and certainly obviously going to happen and not at all wishful thinking on a sore subject that I shouldn't mention complete reshuffling of the scan ratings that mined resources are found at. ;)

Two paragraphs, more or less. Didn't really hit the "either" topic bit, though, did I? :?
Last edited by Zoorland on Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by Darakhoranon »

Captain Darakhoranon

I'd like some addition to guilds - something for us to actually do together and a reason to continue contributing resources. After all, once every guild bonus is bought, there's nothing else to do and no real reason to keep contributing. So maybe occasional "guild missions" would be interesting - if a guild manages to collect a (long) list of resources in a given time, every member gains some additional IPs, EXP, standing, whatever. And if said "guild missions" were triggered randomly and/or their difficulty somehow linked to the size of a given guild...
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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by Sukayo »

Captain Sukayo

I would like to see an overhaul fo the existing guild system, at least adjusting the facilities to what is standard elsewhere today in game (one to name: guild crafting).
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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by Marcus »

Captain Marcus

I look forward to whatever goodies come, but i'd love the ability of being able to craft larger shield EBK's. I also look forward to any more firepower to help destroy ai's.

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Re: August Thoughts - Post & Win

Post by Tye Dagget »

Captain Tye Dagget

What I'm looking forward to: Getting my genesis plot up and running. Buying an Expanse settlement license and starting my second settlement. Maxing out my settlement salvage yard (just two more levels!). Starbases going live (yay for giant, armored, weapon-mounted guild clubhouses!).

Things I would like to see: I would like for player ship crew members to contribute to the relevant skill when they are aboard the ship (as opposed to away on missions). For example, Karolyn Duggan, my salvage specialist, should (temporarily) increase my salvage skill when I'm salvaging human ship wrecks. Valerie Hawks, my asteroid mining specialist, should increase my mining skill rate when on board ship. Bev Mccord, my combat specialist, should increase my chance to hit or the amount of damage inflicted while onboard ship when I'm engaged in combat- and so forth.

I would like each kind of skill certificate to increase your skill rating in that particular skill, or have other notable effects (other than being able to turn them in for IP. I do realize that this sort of amounts to the same thing, in the end, but I would just rather have a direct increase to that particular skill percentage from the certificates).

I would like to see some tactical options during combat, apart from arming special equipment and retreating. Maybe have three buttons, where you can choose to fight aggressively, fight defensively, or some middling combination of the two; with different combat styles being more effective against certain classes of ships.

I would like to see an RP aspect added to the game that would be tied in with the Negotiate skill. I'm thinking of something along the lines of the old Star Control series of games, where you had a choice of different attitudes you could take towards the character you were interacting with (aggressive, obsequious, deceptive, diplomatic, etc.).

I would like to see a few star systems in the game have random encounters with enemy ships and space monsters. This could be tied in with my previous suggestions about new combat tactics and NPC interactions. If you are ambushed by a Confed ship, you could choose to bluff, bribe or intimidate your way out, attempt to make a run for it (hey, those super fast player made ship engines should count for something, right?), or raise shields and teach them to regret ever crossing you!

Give the few guys and gals (wouldn't apply to me- Dagget is a loyal Gal-Fed man ;) ) that play pirates their own crew hiring stores. Pirates should be able to hire on a crew of scurvy space dogs! Then make a special piece of equipment, available only to the pirate faction, that can be used to board enemy vessels (instead of destroying them outright) and fight a boarding action to plunder for extra goodies (maybe with some loot unique to that sort of thing). Maybe it could tie into the personal combat system we use when exploring derelicts and planets.

Really though, before adding new features to the game, I would prefer that the existing features be fully fleshed out and completed. Concentrate on getting this done first, then worry about adding new stuff. This includes all stores that are present in the game being open, accessible and having a full range of merchandise to buy and use. Few things are more frustrating/disappointing than having a store that you can't access or a piece of equipment that doesn't have full functionality.

Whatever comes down the pike, though, I always look forward to playing this great game!