Christmas Party - Details Announced

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Christmas Party - Details Announced

Post by Coops »

Christmas Party - Details Announced

Since it appears this year Santa has FINALLY got his act together and hired security, I thought that with luck holding we wouldn't be needing to fill Santa's sack. But then the thought struck me - what will the players do instead? So, I got together with the Staff and we figured hell lets throw a Party instead :)

So we are going to Throw a FESTIVE WEEK LONG PARTY starting at 11:00 AM on Christmas Morning (Game Time). Don't worry if your still opening presents or getting over a hang over the party will run all Week.

This will be accompanied by a Week long Stomp the Staff Mech Week. During the week of festivities we will be handing out all kinds of festive Gifts. Giving you plenty of time to take part in the festivities and gain yourself some prizes of your own.

BUT!!!!! To get this party started we need YOUR HELP!

I have sent out 14 of my most trusted AI Bots to start 'Christmas Party Collections' These are in each of the Galaxies so you won't have far to go to take part. I'm looking for all kinds of things to keep the party moving along with Festive Cheer.

There are hand-ins for Resources and also Crafted Items. Each offering a Credit reward and also an XP reward.

Special Prize : We will also be tracking the TOP PLAYERS that hand in / donate to the Christmas Party with prizes awarded to those on Christmas Morning just after the party starts. There will also be a Global Prize for the completion of the Hand-in,

Once the Party is underway myself and the staff will be present in the Official Chat giving away prizes throughout the Day (and Night). I will also be throwing Challenges up into the main header News with first come first served rewards!

The Collection runs from Now till 11:00 AM on the morning of the 25th. At that time it will close. Depending on how quickly it gets filled there may be a second round of Resources required deepening on how we go.

I'll release Details of the Stomp the Staff Mech Week closer to the time!

You can Find the Christmas Party Collections Offices Below :

Antioch, Trarnova
Tibalm, Minerva
Xorrak, Ganymede
Cole, Pandora
Noctae, Starbase-61
Feris, Starbase-51
Bolos, Vorontsova
Taieme, Erado
Oengo, Habitat-42
Phaud, Etai
Zarante, Venetia
Vesesia, Mafadux
Kirzhach, Trade Hub 28
Thrace, Kemerovo

Or use the Finder in game on the footer and search for 'Christmas Party'.

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Re: Christmas Party - Details Announced

Post by Coops »

As per usual I under estimated a few players and their 'Habits' :roll: . So i had to curtail stage 1 Earlier than I had hoped. But after a few cups of Coffee and a few pain killers I have decided to launch stage two for the remaining time (till morning of the 25th).

I've made a few 'Adjustments' to how the hand in works, and instructed my Elves to keep an eye on the stacks and if they judge we need more resources between now and the 25th to adjust the requirements. So keep an eye on the hand in requirements.

I will add - This 'Event' is a FESTIVE COLLECTION - IE there to aid everyone not just those who have been playing for ten years and have a mountain of resources. The Prices are set to Joes BASE value and the XP has been lowered slightly.

Please allow others the opportunity to take part in this hand in and lets play 'nice' :)

Stage One results have been stored away for me to REVIEW on the 25th.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
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Re: Christmas Party - Details Announced

Post by Coops »

OK folks, we (You) managed to donate A LOT of resources and crafted items for the Christmas Party this year. We ran it in two stages with the first stage being the heavier of the two aimed at all you old timers. You didn't let us down and it was complete din record time. Stage two was all resources and aimed at the newer players and those who just wanted some simple XP and credits.

From Stage 1 I have drawn the following Supporters as Winners :

Lady Gwen
Jager 602
Lord Orion

From stage 2 I have drawn the following Supporters as Winners :

Lost Queen

Those named in Stage 1 and Stage 2 : You get to CLAIM a Christmas Resource Token OR a Bio Implant Module (B.I.M) of your choosing.

Contact ME Coops in game with the reward you would like. ALSO please add which competition your claiming it for as we have a number of comps running atm and I'd like to keep track of who's claiming for what :)

As for EVERYONE Else - Another 5K Fuel Ticket was added to all the accounts that took part in the Collection in the last two weeks.

Current Collection - I'm going to leave the collection running through December and close it down on New Years day. It's there if anyone wants to hand some in where they have more than they need :)

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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