Special Bonus Fuel Stage Completed

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Special Bonus Fuel Stage Completed

Post by Coops »

When i first came up with the idea of Coops Challenges I created the code a month before the first one and tracked the 'player stats' for the key stages that I would be using for the Challenges. Then used 'That 5,10,15 day snapshots' as the goal markers.

I also added in a Fuel Goal of 3.5 Million units of fuel used during the Challenge. One that the players of CE would have to work VERY hard at to complete. So far that ones has never been completed.

THAT WAS UNTIL LAST NIGHT : The 3.5 Million was breached around 3.00 AM this morning. So a BIG GRATS to ALL those who took part in the Challenge BIG or small!

You had already completed Every Stage by yesterday ( Read Here) and the Goodie Bag has been filled to 'Full' - ( Read Here).

The prizes for the Challenge Rewards, The Goodie Bag AND NOW the Fuel Goal will all be awarded on the 30th Some time After 14:00 PM, when the Challenge Official Closes.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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