Skill Based Gameplay

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1 Cor 134
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Skill Based Gameplay

Post by 1 Cor 134 »

Now, I love Core-Exiles, but I think it would add to the game to have more skill-based gameplay.

What I mean by that is perhaps mini-games that are skill based rather than mostly clicking and resource collecting/meta-gaming.

For instance, I used to play a game called Roboid, and there were 2 mini games that I thought were pretty fun, but worked well in a browser game type environgment.

1. Mastermind type of game
This was set up in a hacking mini-game, where a list of possible "passwords" would appear. You had 10 guesses to what the password was.
Each guess would tell you how many letters in the right positions the word you chose had with the correct password.

For instance, say the password was: hello
and you guessed help
then it would tell you that you had 2 correct letters

2. Minesweeper type game.
This was a modified type of minesweeper type of game where it would tell you how many bombs and how many good items were next to the square you chose. If you chose a square with a good item then you got the item. This was interesting because the good item count really added to it I thought.

I'm sure there's others, but I thought I'd bring these 2 examples. i'm sure people have suggested some skill-based mini-games before but I thought I'd bring it up.
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Re: Skill Based Gameplay

Post by XPLODE »

I want to play texas hold'em against other players and bet credits.
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Re: Skill Based Gameplay

Post by pikolinianita »

Question is, Why would I play such games here, not on flash games site?
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Re: Skill Based Gameplay

Post by MarcSp »

Because loot drops in CE are random. Yes, there is some element of knowledge in a few areas (picking certain
ship types/affiliations to get certain loot drops), but most drops are just random with no way to influence them.

I think it would be interesting to see if some type of skill/knowledge/experience aspect could be added.
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Re: Skill Based Gameplay

Post by Hunbaba »

Heh, and i thought CE is all about skill/knowledge/experience...
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Re: Skill Based Gameplay

Post by Coops »

1 Cor 134 wrote:Now, I love Core-Exiles, but I think it would add to the game to have more skill-based gameplay.
I'm not against this type of thing, infact in the past I've mulled over some skill based systems. My issues these days is the level of support. For my to work full time on CE it needs to support itself and more.

I'm spending a lot of my time working on securing against exploits these days and updating older systems where players have found chinks and simply failed to report them. Then there are the large scale updates / projects of Starbases to complete. This leaves precious little time to spend on side project (not that it stops me lol).

Be nice to hear of some CE related ideas we 'might' consider down the line. Of course if support comes back to where it was at the beginning of the year we can devote more time and more funds to these types of things.

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Re: Skill Based Gameplay

Post by Akkamaddi »


I know one constraint is to make it screen reader friendly, and in-game trivia would work. Put the potential answers on four buttons, and players pick the button with the correct answer. Advanced versions would have multiple answers and a submit button.


"Captain, the lock wants us to confirm the galactic map sector without a nebula."
[Talsamar] _ [Archlight] _ [Zercy] _ [Dashan]

"Captain, it seems to want us to give it an answer. It says we cannot get ship weapon certification in..."
[Kinetic] _ [Plasma] _ [Whoopass] _ [Energy]

"Oh, Captain! I says we have to tell it which of these resources are produced in a Refinery Plant from refined ore. Pick the right ones, and hit the button that says 'Submit' when you are done."
[Tryonite Ore] _ [Alien Crystals] _ [Trigenite Ore]
[Dylithium Gas] _ [Dylithium Ore] _ [Alloyed Ugospinium]
_ _ [_SUBMIT_] _ _
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