Halloween Exchange - Prize Draw

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Halloween Exchange - Prize Draw

Post by Coops »

During October we ran a Halloween Exchange office in 18 locations Universe Wide. During October we topped up the collection twice and gave everyone a fair chance to donate Pumpkins for a prize draw ticket. The more you donated the more tickets.

I assigned a value to each donation and using https://www.random.org/ I drew the winners this afternoon. If your names in the list below contact me in game with your CURRENT Email address (please spell it correctly lol) and let me know what it is your claiming for.

Winners :

Anje Spolmit

Reward : 1 X £20 Gift Certificate. To be claimed via in game PM to Coops with a copy of your current email address.
A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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