Testing Testing 1,2,3

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Testing Testing 1,2,3

Post by Coops »

I'm placing this post in the general discussions area as I'm looking for feedback and responses form the community (that's you) :)

For the last 10 years we have run CE, using various forms of 'group chat' systems. Generally speaking, for the largest part we have used an IRC server and implemented web browser clients to facilitate connection. These have been 'ok' but not as successful as an IRC client. Of course there are always going to be issues using IRC as your primary 'central chat' and over the years some of you have taken to it and some have shown a complete abhorrence to it.

We have no qualms if you don't like IRC and we understand if you don't want to be adding and setting up an IRC client on your machine. In fact some of you may not be able to due to things like work ethics and company policies etc.

Get to the point Coops

OK so last week a suggestion was made in the IRC forum section that we look at 'Discord' a new chat style system. It's free to use and for us to host chat on. It's using the very latest technology and can be used in browser form and installed on many various platforms (including your phones and tablets).

If you don't want to wait and listen to me bleat on click here : https://discord.gg/Wtj2jH4

That will open a new window and invite you to a Core-Exiles test environment on a Discord Server.

Q: Coops do i need to create an account?
A: No not if you really don't want to. Using the browser link it will ask you for a handle / nick name and its up to you if you WANT to claim that nick for later use. Doing so WILL require an email and password. It's one time thing and up to you. You CAN use the channel without actually registering.

The chat is VERY light weight and responsive. It's also seamless when moving from machine to tablet to phone or back and forth from a browser. Keep track of previous chat and even chat you missed when you were away.

Q: Does this mean an end to IRC?
A: that really depends. It's stood us in good stead over the years, but times 'are a changing' as they say and keeping the game chat locked into an IRC format does us no real favors. We will review players responses over a period and also get feedback from the VI.

We are aware that the main apps will NOT work currently for the Blind / VI but I'm also looking for feedback from the VI community on the normal browser client. Discord themselves have promised ot make the clients VI friendly and have a large following waiting for them to do so.

Reward : As a token reward. Enter the new discord chat and say hi, try it out for a while and we will process a 5,000 Fuel Reward and a 1 Month PA as a thank you for saying hi and at least trying it :)

Lastly, come back and give us your feedback

The server channels will remain active for the period of testing so feel free to pop in day or night. The staff have all created accounts so will be there to help if they can. CE is famous for its community spirit. If you never used the chat due to not liking the client or finding it hard to stick with give this a try.

You are likely to make new friends and learn something new! Or meet old friends lol (Stringer) :)

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Re: Testing Testing 1,2,3

Post by Coops »

So far I have handed out over 30 5K fuel tickets and 1 Month PA's to players who have given the new chat a test drive.

To answer a few initial questions we have seen :

Q: This seems to use Flash to work.
A: Not at all, using flash would be counter productive as its slowly being blocked by most modern browsers. Discord is being written for cross browser and multi app platforms in the most modern ways possible.

Q: Do I have to register ?
A: No you don't. Although if you want to keep the nickname your used or download the app versions (highly recommended) then yes an email and a password are required as a one time register. No more work than registering your nick on IRC. In fact a lot easier :)

Q: Can i compact the text a bit?
A: Yes, under user settings, choose Appearance and compact. It's set to Cozy by default.

Q: I see it has voice as well, I don't want to talk or listen to others talk
A: That's not an issue, voice and listening to folk is optional. (should anyone decided to talk) But also handy should you wish to actually natter with a friend)

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Re: Testing Testing 1,2,3

Post by Coops »

I'm pretty sure I located everyone that came into chat and tested it. I added 5K fuel tickets and 1 Month PA's to those that did. If i seem to have missed you drop me a note in game and let me know and I'll check.

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Re: Testing Testing 1,2,3

Post by XPLODE »

Why are there 2 links?
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Re: Testing Testing 1,2,3

Post by Coops »

https://discord.gg/Wtj2jH4 is the permanent link generated by the Server and https://discord.me/core-exiles is an api feed link that will redirect to the latest permanent link.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
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