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In case you miss it

Post by Coops »

Olympic Festivities

Tomorrow marks the start of the Core-Exiles Olympic Festivities. This year we are joining the Rio Olympics & the Rio Paralympics in to one Single long event.

You will need to collect both 'Beacons' (1 single type of loot) and 'Olympic Flags'. There are 34 unique flag types and you need to collect a Full Set to hand in before the games ends.

The Beacons are all about supporting your country of choice. That means, when you have some beacons you can decide which country to support when you hand them in.

Credits and XP will be rewarded for your support and the 34 Flag Collection this year will have a bumper Prize pack. This is currently being worked out. I will post separately when this has been finalised.

Dates for your Records :

Olympic Starts : 10:00 AM Friday the 5th
Olympics Ends : 4:00 PM 19th September

Beacons will self terminate just after the games ends. Flags can be handed in for another 24 hours whilst the Offices remain open.

For the full details review the post below :


Have a good time and check out the Chat & Forums for Competitions and Giveaways during this period!

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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