CE Reaches a Milestone

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CE Reaches a Milestone

Post by Coops »

Coding CE has been a Challenge over the years, but its also been a journey. It's had it's ups and it's downs. We have seen players come and go. But even from the early days there was always a great community spirit and a willingness to step out and help the guy next to you.

Back in 2012 we started the first thrust of the Genesis Project. Dr Xaviers small group over in the Anvil Galaxy completed their work and the data was sent off to the G.R.P for processing. From this the Genesis Project was born.

New Planets from just simple resources and modules. Sure the tech is astounding and some still think its closer to magic than science, but the truth is none of it would have been possible without YOU.

The captains of CE are what has made the Genesis Project a reality. The sheer overwhelming amount of resources to bring Four Planets into being is monumental. Even at Joes Prices we are looking at 25,615,253,321 Credits worth of in game items!

Today marks the preparation of the Fourth Planet. Which thanks to a competition way back in May 2012 we have a name for the 'soon to be formed' planet. The Planet Devotion will come into being (all going well) within the next week and you can begin the process of Exploring it for habitation and for the option of a Genesis Office to be opened there with 200 new Genesis Plots.

Truly a remarkable achievement for such a small sci-fi browser game. You should all be real proud!

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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