Corporation Daily Outgoings

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Corporation Daily Outgoings

Post by Coops »

As of Today the Corps will now begin to pay their Daily Outgoings. I left this ticker OFF up till now as some of you dashed into Corps with abandoned glee and didn't really read the primer too closely :) Some took their time and got prepared but others would have been paying office fees since day one had I not held off :)

This is no longer the case and the moment you open an office and incur your first 'Daily Outgoing charge' (shown in the Corp header) that becomes your daily fee.

This is taken as close to Midnight as the Ticker system can achieve (Game Time)

Currently there are 45 Corps with Daily costs running from Zero to 45,500

WARNING : Should your Corp slip into Negative funding or be unable to pay its daily costs you will 'LOSE' access to your Corporate Contract Offices. You will then need to add funds to the Corp Bank to regain access.

There is no waiting period and once funds are restored you will be clear to access the Offices.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!