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Mos Eisley Scrap Outlet

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 3:52 am
by OtherRick
(Short version: resources for sale at the Mos Eisley Scrap Outlet. Come buy them!)

Ya saw the wave, didjye? Resources for sale, good quality and all that? That's that SMR place a few systems over. They're always selling that top-notch starbase stuff. It'd be a waste of fuel to not look around while yer here.

Ya know what yer buyin'? No one ever does these days. Well, that's all fine and good, just don't run yer fingers over the sharp bits and we'll get ya sorted.

There's not a lot of room on the lot, so we've gotta clear it out.
Gotta make room for some of the more fancified bobs captains are always wanting for shipbuilding. It's all priced to move, as long as you arrange to move it yerself.

Well, get to it. When yer ready to leave, come find me and I'll buzz ye out.

--Rin Thurgood, Yard Supervisor--
--Mos Eisley Scrap Outlet--
--Salvaged Resources for Sale--

(Cpt OtherRick and Copilot)

Re: Mos Eisley Scrap Outlet

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 11:53 pm
by OtherRick
(short version: there are new resources in stock at the Mos Eisley Scrap Outlet. Come buy them!)

Oh, that place? Are they still open? Last time I wandered too far down the Mos Eisley Promenade, I thought the gates were blockaded with various metallic trash.

Now that I think of it, maybe they just couldn't fit it all inside the store? Well, whatever the reason, I couldn't get in to even see what they have, so I don't think I'd shop there. What an eyesore. Can I go now?

--"Yet Another Satisfied Customer"--
--Random Passerby--
--Mos Eisley Scrap Outlet--
--Salvaged Resources for Sale--

(Cpt OtherRick and Copilot)