Sphere Stores Make Headway in VP

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Gus Givens
CE ISN Reporter
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Sphere Stores Make Headway in VP

Post by Gus Givens »

by Coops on Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:51 pm

Our commercial and economic advisor's here at the office has been keeping a close eye on the affect the opening of the Jump gates to the Verec-Per Galaxy have had on our economy's in the last few weeks. Ones things for certain Verecians drive a hard bargain.

Many of the trade delgates that were the first through the Jumpgates into VP were disappointed by the Verecians lack of commercial enterprise, and genuinely surprised when many of their trade contracts for store locations in Verecian space were refused.

It seems the Verecians place honour and duty above everything else, even profit! Not to be dissuaded a second wave of delegates from the larger trade stores we all know and love have managed to secure contracts with some of the less rigid Verecian commerce groups.

To date we have seen 26 stores open in Verecian space and there are sure to be more to follow.
Our head economic advisor 'Brad Shellon' told us that within the next few days Gleso and several other large corporate groups could open other stores and malls throughout the Verecian Galaxy. There are even rumours that Gal-Fed is making headway on a deal that will enable Planetary Settlement licences to be purchased for placement in the Verecian Galaxy!

ISN News.
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