Recent Cron outage

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Recent Cron outage

Post by Coops »

Recent Cron outage

We have 148 crons (Bob Tasks) that keep the CE Universe spinning. Some run every 2 seconds, some 5, 10 and 15, right up to the ones that run once a day. With so many crons running at vastly different times we separate the Cron load between three services. Last night one of those when down. It affects a few systems that you may have been aware of and a few you would not.

Thanks to reporting (Got to love Bug Track and discord) this outage was looked at and resolved early this morning. All these crons have now caught up and are once again processing as they should.

It's a rare occurrence, but it 'is' the Internet we are dealing with, so there are always going to be some outages like these. But by spreading the Cron load across three services the instance of the CE universe grinding to a halt has not happened since the Big Bang.

Happy playing folks…
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