Commercial Store - Small Edits

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Commercial Store - Small Edits

Post by Coops »

It came to my attention yesterday (thanks @danik) that the Sell to PM option was still listed in the Commercial Store Screen. This is a left over remnant from when the Player Market Existed. As these have been removed now we no longer need that option.

So I've used it as a new function for the Commercial Store. Danik was asking if there was any way to 'highlight' certain stacks so he had a visual reminder that they were set aside for a project or build or transfer.

So we have Star Highlighting now in the Commercial Store. It's possible from all the tabs / categories. Simply click the star to tag it as highlighted and click it again to remove the tag.

This option also is replicated to the Show All Commercial Store page (the one that shows the entire Galaxy stocks you own).

I've also added the Tabs / Category bar to the top of some of the move and trade screens. This means when you have moved or traded an item you have a better option of where to go next. You can simply select the category you wish to 'go back to' or exit via the promenade or return to the Primary landing page of the Commercial Store.

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