Ship Crew Balancing

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Ship Crew Balancing

Post by Coops »

It came to my attention today that all was not right in the Ship Crew section of the game. Whilst the early levels of crew members earnings, were balanced and on track with the overall methods of what was meant to be an offer, once you passed a certain crew level of training, things began to get a little weird then sank into the bizarre!

I dug deeper and was a little aghast at what I found. I won't point fingers as that would be rude, but I feel that the earnings were way out of whack of what you might expect for logging in once a day and clicking a few buttons.

I take full responsibility for not reviewing before now and for allowing these crazy incomes from ship crew. Today I have tweaked the cost of a mission (to you) lowered that and slightly shortened the hours across the levels on offer.

I have also take a BIG blowtorch to the payouts from the mid to top current levels of the crew. This has given more headroom and will allow for crew levelling up into the mid 40's before it may need another 'tweak'.

I don't often take a blow torch to the income streams of CE but this one was totally out of whack with what you'd expect from a passive income stream.

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