Olympic Winners

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Olympic Winners

Post by Coops »

Well, the Olympics are over for 2018. Thank you to all of you that took part. I hope you enjoyed the events and the collections/rewards.

34 Flag Collection - 20th 4.00 PM
First off a few main updates to those still collecting Flags! - Whilst the Olympic Offices are closed for handing in Beacons #(they have self-destructed) you can continue to check for a full set of 34 flags inside those Olympic Offices right up till 4.00pm on the 20th!

We ran a Guessing competition over in the competition section of the forums last month that would come to a conclusion today. We closed and counted the votes etc and we got some winners! You can read that post OVER HERE

Everyone that took part got a 5K fuel ticket added to their account as well!

Of course, many of you have been waiting to see who handed in the MOST beacons. I offered a £10 Gift cert to the top ten players. Here they are listed below. Contact me Via PM with your LIVE working email address and also confirmation of whom you would like the extra reward of the 10K fuel Ticket and 3 Months PA to go too. - You must contact me and CLAIM these prizes.

Adam Smith

Olympic Token Upgrade
I ran this early on and allowed you right up till 6.00 PM today to hand in the Tokens (X50) and an item to upgrade. Officially the cut off was 4.00PM but I spotted a few making some very last minute attempts so extended it till 6.00PM Game time.

I have done literally 100's of these the last few weeks and I will be working on completing any that have been handed into me BEFORE 6.01 PM today GAME TIME. If you sent me a full set and an item don't worry it will be upgraded and returned to you. I'm inundated today with them and it IS Sunday, so go easy on me :)

It is my hope that everyone enjoyed the Olympics. We did expand the process so you had nearly 2 months to collect and hand in items so I couldn't have done more if I tried. lol

I guess the next Major event will be the World cup in a few months. So I'll have my hands full prepping for that soon lol :)

Don't forget IF YOU WON above - contact me in game with your email address and WHAT you won and whom it should go too.


A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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