IP Resets - After Skill Purchase - Please READ!

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IP Resets - After Skill Purchase - Please READ!

Post by Coops »

I've had a few emails, IGM's and smoke signals sent to me in the last few days from players that 'Purchased Skill Packs' during the festive period. If you're not one of these you can turn back to the game and carry on. If you are PLEASE READ ON :

This is a final clarification for those that purchased skill packs over the Festive Period. The Packs you purchased were added directly to your account as SKILL's.

Now as you know Each skill has an IP value. So when you do an IP reset the Skills (All of them including your purchased ones) are REVERTED BACK in to IP points. Each at their relative IP cost.

So NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING is LOST. Its just like any other IP reset process. The skills simply revert to their IP cost and return to the IP pool. Ready for you to re-spend how you see fit.

This also goes for all the 'bonus' skill points that were earnt when players purchased their own skills. (you were awarded a 'Single Skill Point' for each pack they purchased as a bonus) So again those nice FREE skill points will REVERT back to IP (at their cost) and return to the IP pool should you do an IP reset.

Please pass this thread along if you see someone confused or asking questions.

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