Dark Matter GRP Complete

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Dark Matter GRP Complete

Post by Coops »

It took you folks some time - but you eventually completed the Galactic Research Project (GRP). Projects are pushed along by the players exploring planets and locating 'Ancient Artefacts'. These are then used by the GRP to advance the 'current' research topic.

With the completion of the Dark Matter project it now allows me to release some 'initial' Dark Matter technologies that we have been working on. More will be forth coming over time and the major push on this will be when the player base completes the 'Alien Justice Leagues' Device :)

Subatomic Moleculiser
For a while now we (the dev's) have been pondering over the long term 'removal' of items from within the game. IE looted items and things that are crafted and then eventually become 'dead weight' in your ships hold. This was talked about by players recently in a thread and made us move towards a final decision on this front.

What we have is a device called a 'Subatomic Moleculiser Unit'. Simply put the device rearranges subatomic particles, which are abundant everywhere in the universe, to form molecules and arrange those molecules to form what are now called 'AZ-Pat' resources. (You can read more from looking up the device - Pod).

This basically means that a Very LARGE chunk of the game can be converted in to Six new resources. Currently this copes for most of the normal day to day items and a large section of the crafted materials in game. We WILL be expanding this list but if you look in the ships store and there is not a 'Sub-Mol' option listed for that 'item' it cannot be converted.

The Subatomic Moleculiser has a range of items each enabling the recovery or more and more of the six base resources. Again I will let you work this out for yourselves.

Currently we have approx 1.6 million items stored in players 'Ships Store' (not cargo) This is a relative number but we will be keeping an eye on this and seeing how it goes over time.

The new resources will be used in Major Large builds but also in some of the new upcoming Expanse items. They might even make it in to items prior to Level Six Settlements and Starbases BUT you can expect them to be required in large amounts for the construction of Starbases and PM ships.

Word of Warning: It is a pointless exercise to 'Craft an Item - then Sub Mol it for profit.' Nothing is stopping you doing this to gain the six resources but you will not make a profit.

XP is available from the process but again is based on the resources reclaimed so don't expect to make a fortune in XP unless you are Sub Mol'ing a large expensive item. XP is a by-product.

I have no doubt this will cause a small uproar in certain areas of the CE community but we have considered this option long before it became an apparent issue too players. The tools themselves are available at a low entry level (stopping the "I'm god send me all your items to sub mol". We have tried to be fair in the design and the use but as with all things we reserve the right to modify or tweak where we see an issue or abuse.

Quantum Transfer Device
This is a handy tool, released under the Dark Matter label :) This Pod will allow players to 'transfer' stacks of resources TOO them FROM a remote location. Ever left resources from an Extractor in a distant CS and only realised it AFTER making the Jump through the gate?

Worry no more the Quantum Transfer Device is here to help :)

Transferred target resources must be at a location other than your own and stationary (IE not in transit). It can only be used 10 times a day. So, useful but not 'an evil dev device' :)

Reduction Matrix
The Reduction Matrix is a cool tool! Another item from the Dark Matter label and in my opinion one of coolest we have seen in a while. The device simply (albeit in a tech jargon way) reduces the base resources required in a schema,tic build! Yep you read correctly this puppy will reduce your costs on every build!

Please note it only works on resources and does not affect modules required in a build. This tool works on Build one, Five, Ten and even Guild builds. So, in the long run, will save you a fortune!

Pod Listing
Some of you may have already spotted this but we have added the Pods to the CEDR. Due, to space restrictions I have placed them in the same tab as Specials (look further down the special page). Pods are well known by the 'Guilded' fraternity but new comers to CE and those who don't have a month to review every nook and cranny were finding info on these 'useful gadgets' hard to glean.

As always issues and bugs should be CLEARLY reported via the Bug report tool at the bottom of your CE interface. Please ensure when logging you give as much information as possible AND review the bug when we update it as often we have follow up questions. Failing to respond to these can be frustrating for us the Devs as we try to figure out the issues.

OK go to it - have fun and keep your eyes open for more 'cool toys' coming your way soon :)
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The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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