Bobs & Artifact Schematics

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Bobs & Artifact Schematics

Post by Coops »

This may take a little explaining so please take the time to Read and digest. Try to not succumb to skipping the text and then bugging me in chat to ask how this works :)

CE has been around for well over a decade now and in that time we have had a LOT of changes and updates. Items that we take for granted today were shiny and new at one stage. Over time I've increased the Items database. Added more and more items for you to 'fit' to your ships and generally given you plenty to be getting on with.

Rare Loot
For the last few years Ive added around 900 items each year in what I classify (here at my desk) as 'Rare Loot'. That's a classification I gave them as they were hidden from the CEDR and only lootable in a 'looting random sense'. These are timed out to ensure you don't get one after the other after the other, but they are fairly spread amongst the different professions.

Bob Loot
Last August I bought in the BOB's. These little scripts run at my beck and call and created NEW Rare loots on my behalf. These added approx another 9,000+ schematics to the game since they were activated. The BOB loots were added to the loot Rare table and you have been picking them up ever since. The Bob loots were, and are, popular due to how they tend to spike the norm and tend to be for the most part half decent loots.

Today marks a new chapter..

Bob Artifact Schematics
I have tasked the Bob's to create schematics for ALL the items they have so far created and placed within the game. That means there is a schematic in the game for each and every one of the 'Bob' items you have been picking up.

A few things you should know about the Bob Schematics. From here on in they will be refereed to as 'Artifact Schematics'. These schematics as SINGLE BUILD. That means you only get one pop at making an items with them. Then it goes poof!

How do you get them?
I have tasked one of the Bob's (I forget which one) to monitor players performance and interaction with the Core-Exiles Universe. He in turn will compile a dossier on your captain and award him with Schematics as and when he sees fit. You will receive a PM (from Bob).

So not only can you (STILL) loot the Bob Rare Artifacts as you have been you can now ALSO receive them in Schematic format!

With the recent addition of these Bob Schematics you now have at your disposal 13,783 total schematics in the game database.

Notes on the Schematics
I tasked the bobs to use the top 10% of the player bases largest resource stacks. So you will find that the schematics are 'plausible' to build and NOT out of this world or Cooperised, Walified or god forbid Foxified! If the schematics IS for an Alien item it WILL have Alien requirements. The sub modules in these new Bob schems are pre-existing! I didn't let them create several 100 new ones (I was tempted). The most expensive sub mod is around the 5K mark (joes prices) so these are within reach of normal crafter / players.

As Schematics are non transferable it does however mean you will need to craft them yourself! So some of you are going to have to think about sinking skills into Production and Manufacturing :)

OK enough from me. But be on the look out for a message from Bob :)

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Re: Bobs & Artifact Schematics

Post by Coops »

Ok a few tweaks. A small 'catch' bug was spotted (sadly not actually reported via bug track) This stopped you from crafting sub mods of the Artifact items. Nothing was lost it just didn't like the idea of you making them lol. - I fixed that this morning both in normal and guild crafting - sorry about that.

The other is a tweak based on my 'unconscious mind' working on my 'Developer Gut' over night whilst I slept :) I have this morning had the Bobs revisit all the NON based Alien Artifact items and replace any Alien 'Mods' with normal non Alien ones.

Should keep most players happy in the long run.

Also I realise this addition (Bob Artifact Schematics) will bring a lot of 'new' crafters into the fold. So a work of Warning. To craft END product Alien Items you need Alien at least Certification level 1 in Alien Construction Technology. You will also find that you need certain Alien Certifications to FIT / USE the end item. THIS IS NOT NEW - It's been that way since we started adding Alien items to the game. Not ALL alien items require a Certification in this or that, but most do.

I have also fixed the CAMP agent issue. IF you took one of their missions last night for an ADV Artifact please cancel the mission. These have now been fixed and removed.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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