Foundry Pattern View

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Foundry Pattern View

Post by Coops »

The Foundry was added some time back allowing players to create Foundry Patterns and over time give players an alternative method to accessing some of those really hard to get to resources. It's NOT a flash in the pan activity and takes time and effort to work at it.

You can find a Short Primer on it OVER HERE

But - That NOT why your here :) Today I added a new menu option off the in-game View Tasks Pull out tab. This one is 'Forge Pattern View'.

It's pretty much what it states. It allows you to review what patterns you have uncovered and what they require in the way of Nana Metals etc. It also allows you to see if you have a Pattern in research at that time.

It DOES NOT allow you to interact directly with a Foundry. You will still need to go Dock and be AT a Foundry to do the work. But this gives you a view of your foundry progress from pretty much anywhere you can access the Tabs.

This was a player Suggestion.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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