Core-Exiles Needs Your Support!

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Core-Exiles Needs Your Support!

Post by Coops »

Morning Fellow Exiles,

Coops here, the developer of Core-Exiles (for those of you new here). It's come that time again when I'm forced to go down on bended knee and ask for your continued support.

Core-Exiles is by definition a small indie company. I've spent 11 years now crafting and working on Core-Exiles and keeping it alive and vibrant with new content and constant add-ons.

I don't think there are any other web browser games out there with the depth and breadth of content that we have here in CE. Sure many may be more graphically pleasing and use more modern methods, but we have always been happy to hold our hands in the air at being 'Old School' when it comes to CE.

Sadly, coding full time on a project that also has its own ongoing costs is not a cheap one, and not one that can be done without support from the players who enjoy and play it. We have had a strong following for many years and the players have always ensured that the CE coffers are kept topped off enough to pay for its servers, advertising, art and ancillary bills.

But over time we face periods where this support petters out, and the coffers begin to run dry. For the last Six months I've been taking other external work to supplement the CE account to ensure we try and maintain a constant advertising budget and cover all the relevant bills. But this cuts into CE development time which causes it's own long term issues.

So, the thrust of my post today is, we really need your support at the moment to top up the CE coffers. There is no sandy beach or fancy cars for me, hell paying my rent each month without worrying would be a fresh perspective lol.

Your support goes towards paying for the server and upkeep services, along with the advertising of Core-Exiles to the masses.

I run monthly sales over on the store and monthly reward schemes ranging from £10 spends up to £40 spends. You'll even get a a small rewards for spending £5.

Not to mention the monthly item sales and the discount coupons always there to be used should you choose too.

You can Find the Store Over Here

Plus details on what's on offer this month Over Here

Also, I do recognise that not everyone that plays Core Exiles has a disposable income. I do get that trust me! So if you want to support in an alternative method use your Friends, Colleges and Family. Post on any social media sites you visit, or forums or vote sites and spread the word. Advertising is one of the largest rising costs we face each month. So for every person you bring to the Sphere of CE you save us money in the long run and help build the community.

Lastly, I want to stress that I have tried to desist from these types of posts for a while now. It's not something I enjoy posting and certainly not something I want to be doing. But I do it for the longevity and prosperity of the game itself.

Support where you can and if you can't support financially spread the word!

Thank you for taking the time to read.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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