Different shield and weapon types

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Different shield and weapon types

Post by Darakhoranon »

We have three types of shields and two types of weapons in CE (for now...). But apart from the pretty minor IP cost difference between kinetic and energy weapons and the fact that phased shields are the only viable option due to the other two being utterly useless in the Expanse, there just is no real point to having different types in the first place.

So how about adding a twist or two?

Phased Shields: only viable shields in the Expanse as is
Absorption Shields: only viable shields vs. AI
Reflective Shields: only viable shields vs "enemy type X" (i.e. a new enemy type or a certain "class" of enemies, e.g. pirates)

=> Since Expanse enemies do ignore absorption/reflective shields already, it shouldn't be that complicated to add the same mechanic to e.g. AI enemies.

Energy weapons: gain a small dmg buff vs. "advanced" enemies, i.e. Expanse/AI
Kinetic weapons: gain a small dmg buff vs. "human" enemies, i.e. pirates/civilian ships

=> a bit more complicated I think, but essentially just a "bonus targeting module" if you're shooting at the "correct" enemies.

As far as I can see, IPs aren't really a concern once you've been playing for some time (there's no need to increase e.g. your jump drive skill beyond the bare minimum - it even says so in the skill description), so the "older" players shouldn't have a problem anyway.
For newer players, little would really change, since you either specialize in one or two aspects or go "jack-of-all-trades" and pick your battles among those challenges you are sufficiently skilled to tackle. But if you would (eventually) have a use for all skills/weapons/shields, you also wouldn't feel like you've made a mistake by e.g. buying reflective shielding earlier in the game.

Sure, this would require quite a bit of work to implement, but it would also make the different types of weapons/shields much more interesting and ultimately push people into adjusting their equipment for the mission on hand instead of "just" getting the "best" gun/shield and never change a thing after that.
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Re: Different shield and weapon types

Post by Coops »

/me watches this space for player comments...
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