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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by Coops »

Slurmewerds wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 5:09 pm I think it would be useful to be able to tag a ship type or easier hunting if you'd like to kill specific ships. It's already done for NPC missions but I would like the ability to be able to tag any ship type I want for easier locating in the sometimes long list of ships while scanning. Or a multi tag option for locating several ship types at the same time
Can you expand on what specific missions you want to track IE are you talking Military Offices, Contracts etc.. if you can be specific, I can look into it.

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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by Coops »

Porrima wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 3:30 pm With the introduction of new ores not so long ago, perhaps it may be time to extend the Mining Barge past the 22 level past the 22 groups to include these new ores.
The New ores were specifically added at the 'Low / Mid Range' and designed ONLY to be mined. An inceptive for new and mid level captains. They are not designed for Mass / Out of game mining. Sorry. Don't get me wrong, I understand the thought behind this request, but if I added them, then the ores become the same as all the others. Just more of them.

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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by Coops »

Fitzbacon wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:15 pm Would it be possible to have some higher level combat drones please?
Currently the best combat drone is Drone Hellcat 2
HP : 1900
Drone Max Firepower : 300
Level Requirement: 45

It doesn't last very long against higher up enemies..

Thanks much

Perhaps some suggestions rather than me picking them out of my Dev Hat. Give me an extended range and I'll give it a look.

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Orbiting Refineries

Post by Fitzbacon »

This post is in reference to the Orbital Refineries and specifically to the function of the refineries as it relates to the manufacture of Refined Ore from Regular Ore.

Currently I have 4 Deep Core Heavy Retrieval MK3 drones they have been down 30 days and have dropped off at the refinery a total of 330K of Ore.
Now I have a refining skill of 500 and this will afford me 33K of Refined Ore should I choose to avail myself of those facilities available on the Orbiting Refineries

At the same time I have a mining barge down which has mined 80K of regular ore since being placed.
Added to this I have over 2 Million units of Ore in my Commercial Storage on my Settlement.

Also on my Settlement I have running 4 different CES Refineries and these all require Refined Ore to produce their stuff. The other requirements of the CES refineries are obtainable from resources mined by the Settlement Itself (Water, Dyz Fuel etc)

What this means is that there is no reliable source of Refined Ore in the known galaxy. The only foolproof method of obtaining Refined Ore is through the Orbiting Refineries at a maximum return of 10 percent of Ore deposited.
I have an enormous amount of Ore on my Settlement and more being produced every day but no way I can turn that into a resource for my CES Refineries to use.

Currently we can transfer Ore to the Orbiting refinery ship load by ship load (in my case 2300 units) but with perhaps a million plus units to transfer would take some time.

My proposal is to have the facility in the Orbiting Refinery of using a QTD to transfer Ore from Commercial Storage to the refinery. This will greatly aid those who like me need large amounts of refined ore.
To offset this needed addition to game play, I would advocate that the same return on refining be maintained….In my case 10 percent with a skill of 500.
Added to this would be that each transfer would count as 2 on the QTD rather than one.


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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by MarcSp »

I also would like to see some means to transferring resources TO a orbital refinery, via QTD or CSTS whichever is easier.

However, just to quibble about "no reliable source of Refined Ore" comment, Ref Ore is dirt cheap and readily available
on the markets. Also, there is a line of Titan Refinery PODS, which convert raw ore in your CS into Refined Ore, while you
are logged out! but they do use a small amount of bio-fuel (NOT Dyz) and are store only purchases. Perhaps making a
craftable version of this pod is an option?
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Re: Suggest Something New...

Post by DrOvonar »

Have an idea for kin/energy systems atm they require separate system/weapon for each dmg type, maybe make it so they can be used on both? Or would that make it unstable? (reasoning behind the request is as follows = if change damage type have to buy all new systems/weapons to cover that damage type again.)
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Re: Suggest Something New... The Chat

Post by LoopyLaura »

To reverse the trend of people not coming into the chat, there has to be more giveaways, but not to any point that it costs the game to do so.

1. I read somewhere that players gain XP if they chat, so much per minute I think. Is there some way you can multiply this by the level the player is in chat?

For example, I'm level 31 in chat. If you're active once per hour, you get 1,000xp, multiplied by your chat level. So I would gain 31,000/hour (extreme case). This would still take me 332 hours of typing in chat to go up one level or 53 days at 6 hours per day, so would not outbalance the game.

It would also encourage new players to come into chat as a genuinely good way of gaining XP/levelling.

2. Rapport - a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.

Being in chat should increase your rapport level. How does your chat level x 25/hour sound? I would gain 775 x 6 hours a day = 4,650 rapport/day (extreme case) That would still take me 35 hours of chatting to upgrade my current level (16).

Gaining rapport with fellow members is important :)

3. Hourly rewards. Once per hour, an award, lets call it the chopsy point, is given to each player who has said something in chat, per hour. Doesn't matter if one person says one thing or 100 things, they're only counted once. The beauty of this is .. it doesn't have to be done there and then, it can be done in retrospect as all the chat logs will be there.

These chopsy points (yes the name will have to be changed lol) can be cashed in at an NPC for goodies, festive packs, U.A. resources, etc. and the list can be added to during events, so if your stuck on needing Haloween Pumpkin 7, then you can buy said pumpkin in the NPC. The rewards of being chopsy .. err talkative :)

There's a little bit of work for you there in setting up the NPC, but not too much .. and I think the rewards would be a great incentive for people coming into the game and for older players to use the chat more often. And none of these suggestions will overpower the game, just give incentives to come into chat, and hopefully stay there once they've met a few people.

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Re: Suggest Something New... The Chat

Post by Coops »

LoopyLaura wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 2:18 pm 1. I read somewhere that players gain XP if they chat, so much per minute I think. Is there some way you can multiply this by the level the player is in chat?
Thanks for the suggestion LL, I will consider what can be done on this front. Getting players in to chat is always going to be an uphill struggle, but one I'm keen to see accomplished if at all possible.

I must hasten to correct the statement about XP in chat, though, before I get bug reports that players are not getting XP in game whilst chatting. The XP talked about in game by the chatbot relates ONLY to XP gained for chatting in chat which is used to level up your discord account within the discord server, which currently is just for fun and kudos and has no real bearing.

There is no actual link between Discord and the Game server, other than messages we pull out of the game and display in the #game-news channels. (Which I have currently halted since the move to the new server).

As stated above, I'm def up for some kind of linkage and reward, but I need to look into it a little more.

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Re: Orbiting Refineries

Post by DrOvonar »

Fitzbacon wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:49 pm This post is in reference to the Orbital Refineries and specifically to the function of the refineries as it relates to the manufacture of Refined Ore from Regular Ore.
My proposal is to have the facility in the Orbiting Refinery of using a QTD to transfer Ore from Commercial Storage to the refinery. This will greatly aid those who like me need large amounts of refined ore.
To offset this needed addition to game play, I would advocate that the same return on refining be maintained….In my case 10 percent with a skill of 500.
Added to this would be that each transfer would count as 2 on the QTD rather than one.


Agree would save alot hassle/time also allowing for use to speed up gathering :)

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Re: Orbiting Refineries

Post by Coops »

Fitzbacon wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:49 pm This post is in reference to the Orbital Refineries and specifically to the function of the refineries as it relates to the manufacture of Refined Ore from Regular Ore.
OK, so I spent some time looking at the Orbital Refinery and the QTD and how the refinery behaves and it's locks outs etc... I came to the conclusion that we would make the process somewhat overly complex. At the end of the day, we are looking for a simpler way to get access to Refined ore that doesn't break the game.

So I give you the Factory Fitz ADV - (Refined Ore)

This bad boy is every one's dream solution to Refined ore when you need a constant supply to keep all the those Factories and other refined ore heavy operations going. This ADV Factory fits on a standard Gleso Factory slot and whilst its main draw back is it requires 5 Structurer points, it is a killer way to make refined ore.

This bad boy creates 50 units of Refined Ore per hour, those of you with the Gleso Productivity Systems can really over power this unit. You may fit as many as you like based on your Structure Points.

It uses Ore, Alucite Ore and Inert Gas to clean the base ore and give you that highly sort after refined ore. ... p_880.html

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
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