C.S.I Functionality

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C.S.I Functionality

Post by OtherRick »

As noted in Coops' recent post (viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3864), the C.S.I is dead. Long live the C.S.I.

... But let's kick around a few ideas for this trusty piece of machinery.

Previously, captains have put out the idea of reversing the CSI filters so that they "filter in" contracts by galaxy, rather than "filter out" contracts to just one galaxy. Let's workshop "Filtering In" with the new hauling changes. Here are some ideas:

Wesbec Filter Lock In (The Forge): Polls all Wesbec offices system-wide for contracts to The Forge galaxy. Any contracts to the forge galaxy are listed for the captain to accept/deny. One filter is consumed per query, C.S.I must equipped, and you must be docked at a system location with a Wesbec office to use.

Ashar Filter Lock In (U-Haul Technologies): Polls all Wesbec offices system wide for contracts for the client U-Haul Technologies. Any contracts for this client are listed for the captain to accept/deny. One filter is consumed per query, C.S.I must equipped, and you must be docked at a system location with a Wesbec office to use.

The idea here is that these filters would allow a captain to access the contract list for all wesbec offices in a given system (e.g., Descarte), but only see the contracts that match the filter criteria. This doesn't give an overwhelming advantage, but does provide a good quality-of-life improvement for captains who take their hauling seriously.

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Re: C.S.I Functionality

Post by Coops »

Happy to entertain any and all ideas for the retasking of the Cyberdeck.

It does not have to be uses as a filter device any more, so feel free to let your brains run wild with ideas...
I will keep an eye on suggestions and mull them over as suggested.

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Re: C.S.I Functionality

Post by Coops »

Still waiting on further ideas for the retooling of the old Cyber deck System. Again, it doesn't need to be filter based or even use consumable items.

The system as it stands is a Cyberdeck that's fitted (currently 3 types) that allows submodules to be loaded to have effects. Of course, I could rip it out recode it from scratch but I'm sure we can utilise the systems the old one uses and come up with some cool ideas.

I'll leave this open a bit longer before I pull it back into the Coops Code pit and retool it.

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Re: C.S.I Functionality

Post by mropso »

Assuming we are looking at single use consumable items and that the long list if haulage contracts at each site is fixed, an item could be used to reshuffling the current and backlog missions. A more capable item might allow for a reset of the backlog missions. There could even be an item that allowed for a load to be increased by a percentage, the exact percentage being effected by a RNG.
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