Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

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Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Akkamaddi »

This ties into Elkhorn's post here:
This is a bit long, and I don't want to derail his thread.

So, I think the settlement NPC’s should be varied, and I would say represent all the factions, though that may take some time.

As stated, I think there are two important points. First, NPC’s my be faction-specific bestowers of quests, but universal receivers. If I have a Wreck Salvage Association NPC at Wall of Scrolls, and Dragon has a Wesbec NPC at Dragons Weyr, my NPC could give quests to her settlement and vice-versa.

Second, since it’s all player settlements, both the originator and target should get a small reward and a few points of faction standing.

And what kind of quests do NPC’s give? I think they should be varied. However, until it is fleshed out, which can come in stages, the cargo haulage would be a good default until faction specific style quests are available. The flavor text would be easy to alter and would be realistic, “[The Federation of Mining | Wesbec | CAMP | Union Passenger Transport] has business with clients in these settlements, and needs these [core samples | priority packages | sensitive assemblages | over sized luggage shipments] delivered with haste and care.”

For the more advanced ideas, the goal is to always require visiting the target settlement to finish the meeting.

For rewards, credits/XP/standing is normal, but loot crates would also be a good random addition.

== Haulage Based ==

Ashar / Wesbec / Pirate: These would be your standard cargo hauling missions. The missions could be timed. Pirate missions would definitely make sense being timed.

Valoren Freight Division: These work like the standard cargo hauling missions, but require alien cargo holds. This NPC is only available for Expanse settlements, or level 7 settlements in Human space. The target could be anywhere.

== Passenger ==

Union: This could be a challenge. The only way I could see to keep this universal, as not all settlements have Union offices is to generate transient, single-transport passengers that disappear on delivery. To have a Union NPC, your settlement must have a Union Passenger Office, but the NPC has a tourism attraction value of +25.

== Courier based ==

Courier: As per standard Courier missions. You have to acquire 50-200 units of a resource and take it to a particular settlement. You resolve the mission docked at the target settlement.

CAMP: As per standard CAMP missions. You build a few things and take them to the target settlement.

ORSA: These function as Courier missions. However, 80% of the requests are specifically for regional resources, such as Iron Ore (Messor), Ore (Toyila), or Water (Beltaine). Ten percent of the requests are for advanced ores (Tessarine Gas, Byzilliam Ore), and 10% are for dark matter ores (nebula resources). The requests for advanced and dark ores are for a smaller amount, but proportionally pay higher.

Pennyworth: Will only contract with level 5+ settlements. As Courier, but only requests Staffium resources. The target could be any settlement.

Naristro / Alien: These function as courier missions. They specifically request regional resources, manufactured resources, and salvage resources, and request larger amounts than normal courier missions. Only available for Expanse settlements or level 7 settlements. The target could be anywhere.
- Alternative: While certain Naristro collected desired goods within Expanse space, the player settlement NPC’s handle requests by “aliens” (humans) for Naristro ores and goods in an attempt to generate economic demand. These specifically target (80%) Expanse mined or extracted ores, or (20%) alien “loot” goods.

== Combat based ==

Gal Fed Combat Office: These are combat missions. You have to target X number of a specific model of ships at a target planet, then go to the target settlement to resolve the mission. The to should be in the same galaxy (both in Sphere, both in Anvil, etc.).

VP Combat Office: These are combat missions. You have to target X number of a specific model of ships at a target planet, then go to the target settlement to resolve the mission. The to should be in the same galaxy (both in Sphere, both in Anvil, etc.). However, if you don’t have at least five billion points of standing in VP, they taunt you in French and keep the doors locked, because we all know VP shops that actually sell things are really just an urban legend.

Alliance Combat Office: And we roll that grenade into the room! Yay!!! Alliance missions are based on intelligence gathering. These combat missions are about targeting a specific hostile (red) faction at a planet. Any ships of the appropriate affiliation can drop the mission loot. Targets of the correct affiliation have a chance of dropping important log information, which is conveniently stored in a mission crate shaped packaged. It follows the special loot drop mechanic for NPC quests. When you find enough log information (mission crates), you resolve the mission at the target settlement.

Con Fed Combat Office: This is the pirate version of the Alliance mission. Con Fed missions are based on gathering special objects of value from friendly (green) ships of a specific faction at a planet. The correct targets have a chance of dropping the bounty items (mission crates), and when you have enough you resolve the mission at the target settlement. As always, the mission planet and target settlement should be in the same galaxy. (Can we call the crates “booty boxes”?)

== Found mission item models ==

Federation of Mining: This is based on the standard FOM “rare sample” mission. However, to complete, the ores are not jettisoned into space, but must be ferried to the target settlement. The target asteroid field and settlement should be in the same Galaxy.

Explorers League: This is a “mission crate” mechanic with the crates found exploring derelicts. The mission crates can be tied to a target location (“found only in Ethan” or “found only orbiting Grivoc”), but then must be taken to the target settlement.

Wreck Salvage Association: This would be a found mission crate during salvaging, but is tricky as wrecks are not “naturally occurring”. The easiest way to handle this would be various governments, combat groups, and safety organizations are looking for “flight telemetry and wreckage logs” (conveniently stored in mission crates), and let the player find them where every they find them, and then take the logs to the target settlement.

== no real fit ==

Astro Nav is tied to Expanse exploration, so probably no NPC.

Genesis could potentially be like CAMP, and give standing and a few Genesis points. I’m not sure if this would be worthwhile.

A.I. War Activist may also not be appropriate, but could potentially act as a Courier quests targeting AI resources.

And the point?

It would give variety in quests. Players who like to do things besides cargo hauls could find settlement NPC’s they like, and hit those. If the target settlement also gets a cut of the goods, then everyone with a settlement and any mission NPC could start to get more income and random bits of faction standing.

Varying the missions would help prevent the Settlement NPC from simply replacing normal haulage.

Thank you for your time.
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Elkhorn »

Hey Akkamaddi!
You didn't derail or "steal" my post. I threw a rough idea out there, you have fleshed it out beautifully!
I like the idea the Settlement owners would also have a wider variety of NPCs to host. I'm wondering if there could be some sort of "advertisement" or listing. The main thrust of my idea is getting players to interact more with other player settlements (a.k.a. emporiums replacing the player market).
Thanks for sharing your ideas.
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Akkamaddi »

Thank you. :)
Elkhorn wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:09 pm I'm wondering if there could be some sort of "advertisement" or listing.
I know we don't want to generate a lot of spam in the resource tabs, but this would actually be a good place for that.

Make a spreadsheet/list that displays settlement name, NPC name & faction, and location. Then, let the players sort alphabetically by settlement name (find their friend's settlement), faction (they want combat or FOM missions), or location (player wants something close).
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Akkamaddi »

Sorry to self post, but something to clarify, and this is really more targeted at Coops, but this idea is designed to be respectful of Coop's time. Coops, I know you can't just order 30 hours of time off Amazon Prime. This is designed so that it can be rolled out in many stages, but in a way that maintains narrative consistency.

You start with a bunch of NPC's. The code will be largely the same. Make all the initial quests the cargo haulage. It's realistic for any large organization to say "we need stuff taken places". At this point, you tweak faction alliances and standing rewards, and a few NPC's have specific tweaks (Naristro need the Expanse environment or very advanced settlements, Union requires an actual Union station office, Pennyworth doesn't deal with small clients). When the basic NPC / haulage code is done, make tweaks and you have the appearance of diversity.

Next stage, adjust the CAMP/Courier quest code to work with the settlement NPC's. Once this is done, two factions immediately have unique NPC's. At this point, I am assuming it would be easy to adjust the Courier quests to either copy the code for Faction-specific requests, or have a faction-variable that calls a specific generation table. With what I am guessing is minor tweaking, you have ORSA, Pennyworth, and Naristro, so five factions are done. Also, the Courier model could potentially be used as a stand-in for FOM (request mining-only ores), Explorers (derelict-only ores), Wreck Salvage (QMG only), and possibly the permanent setup for Genesis (QMG only). At this point, about half the factions are unique.

Next, go to combat. Tweak the NPC missions for "defeat 20 ships of type Cobra at Ethan" combat type, and you with small tweaks of the targets (Gal Fed includes Con Fed targets, VP includes Vermin & Dishonored targets), and the main two combat factions done.

Next adjust the "get 20 crates from Liams Titans ships at Ethan" combat type missions, and with tweaks the Alliance and Con Fed missions are done.

At this point, most factions are complete. Union may take some work. Proper missions for FOM, WSA, and Explorers League could then be handled as time allows.

So, the idea is for distinct stages of roll out. Each stage can be tweaked for multiple different NPC's to give the appearance of diversity while re-using existing effort. You are building four NPC's and cloning/altering them (haulage, courier, combat target, combat loot) to cover all but three of the main factions, rather than separately working on more than a dozen different NPC's. The four factions that would require the most work (Union, FOM, WSA, EL) would have stand in missions and the can be handled in the end.

(Coops, you could wave your hands and say "Ooh! Look at all this work!", conveniently leaving off "slaving over hot ctrl-c / ctrl-v keys!". ;) )

Thank you for your time.
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Akkamaddi »

So, the storm situation in the Atlantic is causing me a bit of stress which is causing a bit of manic tweaking, so please forgive a little “obsessive creativity”.

On to rewards.

So, as I said in Elkhorn’s post, I think it would be interesting to have a timer on the quests. This could actually be a good thing to prevent quests from being kept open for weeks for an offline player and then the settlement goes offline. If the NPC stays active if the settlement’s morale is kept at 90%+, it’s not likely the settlement will go from “the roads have some potholes” to “the last building has collapses into dust” in a few days. My suggestion for the freight missions was:

To make it a little different, put a timer on it:
Settlement Freight (24h), standard payment
Express Freight (8h), +50% payment
St. Expidite Courier (2h), +100% payment and a slice of pound cake

I’m not sure what the ideal time would be, but I think a 2 hour time limit for double pay would be reasonable. Others have records to logs and see play patterns, so it may be best to extend it to 32h/16h/8h or even 72h/36h/12h.

Further, I know other mission types would need more time. Two hours for a combat mission could be entirely unreasonable, and a FOM mission in two hours could be very challenging. Basic haulage could have the tightest time scale, while other mission types use a different scale.

For the base reward, the originating settlement and target settlement would get a cut of the credits, XP, and standing. Yes, this means your settlement could passively accrue faction standing, but it would be very small amounts that would take months to years to add up.

Additionally, there is the extra incentive for loot crates. From my post elsewhere:

The extra incentive could be that each mission has a 1%/2%/3% for each:
Original settlement: "Uh-oh, they left a crate behind...."
Shipper: "It looks like another crate got mixed in and no one claimed it. Just keep it to save us the paperwork."
Destination settlement: "Was an extra crate left behind? We just thought it was more of the crap you order when you've had too many commercial brews and go online..."
And one of Jimmy's random crates is produced. Everyone benefits, so there is no incentive to only ship from your settlement. The tighter time limit has a higher chance of producing a crate.

Loot crates would be a rare extra, not a replacement for payment.
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Akkamaddi »

I’m trying to break these up into segments. A second bonus would be to eventually collect faction specific schematics and blueprints.

When you visit a settlement NPC, part of the display would be your mission count for that faction. There would also be an addition to either the faction standing window or captain bio to list mission count for all factions.

The count actually can increase quickly. When you complete a mission for a settlement NPC, your faction count increases by one.

When a captain completes a mission via your settlement's NPC, and that captain is not you, your mission count for that faction goes up one.

When a captain resolves a mission at your settlement’s NPC, you get a faction mission count for the faction of the mission that captain completes. If Dragon has a Wesbec NPC at Dragons Weyr, and I resolve a FOM mission at Dragons Wery, Dragon gets one added to her mission count for a FOM mission being completed at her settlement.

Because you do not get the bonus counts for starting or completing missions at your own settlement, you can use your NPC, but you cannot rapidly inflate your own settlement. This has the important effect of encouraging everyone to focus on other people’s settlements. I cannot “double dip” for points at Wall of Scrolls’ NPC for FOM, but I can check my settlement logs for players who complete my NPC’s FOM missions and check their settlements for similar NPC’s.

And what is the point of the counter?

Unlocking faction specific schematics and blueprints for equipment.

When your counter for the faction hits 111, you get the “minor” equipment design. When the faction count hits 333, you get the major equipment design. There could even be a 555 count “titan” class design.

For schematic based equipment, the manufacture and production scores needed should be kept low. A person who focuses on combat or mining should not be hard pressed to build the reward schematic. These schematics and blueprints only come directly from the factions, which essentially makes them “account locked”. However, the equipment produced is not account locked, which means certain people could be suppliers for their guilds.

The Minor equipment would be for captain levels 20-30-ish. Major equipment would be 50-80’ish. If there is titan equipment, that would be for the 100-150 range. They are generally specials or POD’s, single fit.

No, I don’t have a complete list, but I have some ideas.

= Federation of Mining =
Minor: Mining Laser Overdrive Capacitor
Captain level 10, single fit Special, Schematic
The Mining Laser Overdrive Capacitor must be equipped along with a mining laser. When the mining laser is fired, it’s effecting mining boost is increased by +5, effectively causing a +5% boost to BSR when mining.
Major: BABYLON 4.9!!!!
Captain level 55, single fit POD, Blueprint
The infamous Babylon Scan Unit Type 4.9! (Yes, the description should start with “Oddly named due to an obscure lawsuit...”.) Base scan rating +10, single fit, not compatible with other Babylon POD’s. Four POD points to equip, making it a significant improvement over the Babylon 4.

= Wreck Salvage Association =
Minor: Salvage Targeting Array
Captain level 10, single fit Special, Schematic
The Salvage Targeting Array must be equipped with a salvage weapon (any type). The maximum and minimum damage of the salvage weapon used is increased by +1, allowing for larger hauls.
Major: Assyria POD
Captain level 40, single fit POD, Blueprint
The Assyria POD contains a salvage scanner array along with a very advanced processing core to deconstruct faint signals most ship systems view as a rounding error. It does not act as a scanner itself, so the captain must have a salvage scanner equipped in the ship systems to initiate a salvage scan. However, it can boost both standard and Expanse equipment. Further, during salvage, the Assyria POD turns into a formidable analysis and targeting array. The Assyria POD increases the time of a salvage scan by +16 hours, and generates +2 scan hits. Further, when salvaging a ship, the chance of actually generating salvage on a weapon fire increases 10%, so there are fewer empty pulls. Four POD points to equip.

= Pirate Faction =
Minor: Camouflage Assemblage
Captain level 15, single fit Special, Blueprint
The Camouflage Assemblage is a holographic array and set of false engine ID’s that makes a ship look like ordinary industrial ships and drones. Like the Wraith Reactor, it has an emissions reduction effect of -10% (-10% chance of random events), and an additional -5% chance for negative events. (This is cumulative with PA status.)
Major: Bountiful Booty
Captain level 40, single fit POD, Blueprint
There is a rumor in some pirate circles that one night years ago, the technically competent pirate Infernanium Bearbeard of Tulun was swilling grog under the light of the Steel Nebula gazing upon his concert poster of Captain Rexx Shredd when he came up with this idea. We may never know the truth. And we don’t want to. The Bountiful Booty is a single fit POD, requiring two POD points. It acts as a Combat Loot Maximiser with a +2 maximum loot bonus. It is unique in that it is the only combat loot booster which can be equipped in parallel with a regular or CES Combat Loot Maximiser POD, allowing the +2 bonus along with the other POD’s bonus.

= Con Fed =
Minor: Armored Booster Thrusters
Captain level 20, single fit Special, Blueprint
This system attaches armored auxiliary thrusters to the ship. This was originally developed by Con Fed warlords as a way to charge into battle against weaker targets and allow for ramming operations. While most captains will not use their ship as a battering ram, the equipment can still be useful. It boosts the ship’s combat speed by +2. It also increases the ship’s hull by +25 and armor by +50. While being single fit, it can be used with other speed, hull, and armor boosts.
Major: Structurally Enhanced Vault
Captain level 40, single fit Special, Blueprint
This system was developed by Con Fed warlords to protect their personal stash of loot. It is a small cargo vault, but it includes hull nanite assemblies to increase the structural strength of the ship around it. It increases the ship’s cargo hold by +20. It also boosts the ship’s armor by +50 and hull by +150. While it is single fit, it is compatible with other hull and armor boosts. It can also be used along side a Quantum Space unit.

= Alliance =
Minor: Combat Scan Booster Array mk1
Captain Level 10, single fit Special, Schematic
This system runs advanced Alliance deconstruction algorithms on combat scanner input. While it is not a combat scanner itself (a combat scanner must be equipped in the ship’s specials to initiate a scan), it increases combat scan hits by +1.
Major: Combat Scan Booster Array mk2
Captain Level 30, single fit Special, Schematic
This system runs advanced Alliance deconstruction algorithms on combat scanner input. While it is not a combat scanner itself (a combat scanner must be equipped in the ship’s specials to initiate a scan), it increases combat scan hits by +3. It is not compatible with the Combat Scan Booster Array mk1, as attempting to use both tends to set the ship’s scanners on fire.

= Verec Per =
Minor: VP Advanced Targeting Module
Captain Level 30, single fit Special, Schematics
This advanced system is a complex targeting array. It grants a +5% to hit bonus for missle/torpedo attacks, a +5% chance to hit with standard weapon attacks, and a +10% chance to do an overcharge critical strike if using VP weaponry.
Major: The Messiah Complex
Captain Level 70, single fit POD, Blueprint
This single fit pod (2 POD points) is an overdrive module for Messiah turrets. It enhances the slaving of targeting subsystems, granting a +5% chance to hit with standard weapons. It also increases the damage of all Messiah PODS by 60%.
(I was rather fond of this name. The damage boost for a 2-point Messiah POD is +25 damage, so the damage bonus for a Messiah Complex would have to be more than this to be worthwhile.)
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Elkhorn »

A few comments:
Because you do not get the bonus counts for starting or completing missions at your own settlement, you can use your NPC, but you cannot rapidly inflate your own settlement. This has the important effect of encouraging everyone to focus on other people’s settlements. I cannot “double dip” for points at Wall of Scrolls’ NPC for FOM, but I can check my settlement logs for players who complete my NPC’s FOM missions and check their settlements for similar NPC’s.

If you look at Wesbec and Ashar the game allows you to "double-dip" to a certain extent. I can haul between my two settlements and get paid the fee for delivery and each settlement gets the kickback on the delivery.
I agree on the "counter" i.e. timed quests.
I also agree the idea is to get Captains visiting each other's settlements so the missions should encourage that.
In addition to rewards there should also be corresponding penalties for failure to complete a mission, which would be along the lines of loss of faction points (not sure about monetary penalty); similar to failure to complete a courier mission or dumping a cargo delivery.
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Akkamaddi »

Elkhorn wrote: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:02 pm If you look at Wesbec and Ashar the game allows you to "double-dip" to a certain extent. I can haul between my two settlements and get paid the fee for delivery and each settlement gets the kickback on the delivery.
I also agree the idea is to get Captains visiting each other's settlements so the missions should encourage that.
The "double dipping" is specifically for the mission counter to unlock the faction unique buildables. You would still get one faction mission tick, and get payment/XP/standing. You would not get multiple faction mission ticks for you doing a mission to or from (or both) your own settlements. The best benefit is from spreading the love.

Thank you for bringing that up. I apologize for not making it more clear.
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Coops »

My eyes now hurt :)

Good work - some (lol a lot) of food for chewing on...
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Re: Settlement Mission NPC's, all factions

Post by Akkamaddi »

I only had ideas for about half the factions, and I don't think I would be a good person for the high level ideas. This could even go into settlement structures. I've always thought that faction specific equipment would be a great addition, though.

Anyway, ideas for Ashar, Wesbec, and Union:
(Yes, Ashar and Wesbec are very similar)

= Ashar Corporation =

Minor: Ashar Compliance Assemblage
Captain level 15, single fit Special, Schematic
Requires 5000 Ashar standing to equip
This device controls a set of systems applied through the captain’s ship. It includes system for cargo restraint and emergency shielding, environmental monitoring, spatial compression capacitors and emergency backup systems, and so on. It is based on systems used by Ashar corporate shipping vessels, and is designed to ensure compliance with the most rigorous Ashar shipping standards.
When equipped, it has little effect on the captain’s ship, although the spatial compression subsystems do squeeze an extra +5 cargo space units into the ship’s hold. The main function is to prove compliance with Ashar. This allows for an extra level of trust, and as a result when a Compliance Assemblage is equipped, the captain will see +1 hauling missions offered in any Ashar front.
This device is compatible with Quantum Space units, and the similar Wesbec unit. For safety reasons, it cannot be unequipped until the cargo hold is empty.

Major: Ashar Corporate Compression POD
Captain level 50, single fit POD, Blueprint
Requires 25000 Ashar standing to equip, 2 POD points
This device comes with an NDA and strict rules about personal repairs. It is a self contained unit that contains a miniaturized version of Ashar tech used in their large shipping barges.
The most obvious effect of this POD is that its spatial compression capacitors and recompression algorithms will adapt to any cargo hold, adding +10 storage to the captain’s ship.
The secondary effect is tied in to the standard cargo shipping containers used by Ashar. These are carefully designed for specific spatial compression algorithms, which are used in Ashar industrial gear as well as the Corporate Compression POD. When this POD is equipped, all Ashar haulage cargo becomes 10% smaller. [note: x0.9, drop the remainder] This means that a 28 unit cargo haul only takes 25 units of hold space, but would still count as a 28 unit haul.
Non-Ashar cargo does not receive extra compression.
To prevent a quantum detonation and gamma ray burst, the POD can only be unequipped when the cargo hold is empty.

= Wesbec Trading Company =

Minor: Wesbec Compliance Assemblage
Captain level 20, single fit Special, Schematic
Requires 10000 Wesbec standing to equip
This device controls a set of systems applied through the captain’s ship. It includes system for cargo restraint and emergency shielding, environmental monitoring, spatial compression capacitors and emergency backup systems, and so on. It is based on systems used by Wesbec corporate shipping vessels, and is designed to ensure compliance with Wesbec’s appearance of rigorous shipping standards.
When equipped, it has little effect on the captain’s ship, although the spatial compression subsystems do squeeze an extra +10 cargo space units into the ship’s hold. The main function is to prove compliance with Wesbec. This allows for an extra level of trust, and as a result when a Compliance Assemblage is equipped, the captain will see +1 hauling missions offered in any Wesbec front.
This device is compatible with Quantum Space units, and the similar Ashar unit. For safety reasons, it cannot be unequipped until the cargo hold is empty.

Major: Wesbec Corporate Compression POD
Captain level 60, single fit POD, Blueprint
Requires 50000 Wesbec standing to equip, 2 POD points
This device comes with an NDA and strict rules about personal repairs. It is a self contained unit that contains a miniaturized version of Wesbec tech used in their large shipping barges.
The most obvious effect of this POD is that its spatial compression capacitors and recompression algorithms will adapt to any cargo hold, adding +10 storage to the captain’s ship.
The secondary effect is tied in to the standard cargo shipping containers used by Wesbec. These are carefully designed for specific spatial compression algorithms, which are used in Wesbec industrial gear as well as the Corporate Compression POD. When this POD is equipped, all Wesbec haulage cargo becomes 10% smaller. [note: x0.9, drop the remainder] This means that a 146 unit cargo haul only takes 131 units of hold space, but would still count as a 146 unit haul.
Non-Wesbec cargo does not receive extra compression.
To prevent a quantum detonation and gamma ray burst, the POD can only be unequipped when the cargo hold is empty.

= Union =

Union Rickshaw POD (Human)
Captain Level 30, single fit POD, Blueprint
Requires 25000 Union standing to equip, 3 POD points
This POD is actually a miniature passenger cabin, which can connect to an equipped standard cabin or act independently. It has an occupancy of 1/1/1, supporting a comfortable human environment. Due to safety standards, the captain must have some standing with Union in order to equip this POD.
Due to laws involving crimes against sentients, this POD cannot be unequipped while there are any passengers on the ship.
This can be installed with a standard Union cabin or even a standard cargo expander. Due to potentially lethal environmental contamination, this cannot be equipped with an alien cabin or alien cargo expander.

Union Rickshaw POD (Alien)
Captain Level 70, single fit POD, Blueprint
Requires 150000 Union standing to equip, 3 POD points
Requires Alien Industry skill 100 and Alien Industry Certification Level 1 in order to use this item.
This POD is actually a miniature passenger cabin, which can connect to an equipped alien cabin or act independently. It has an occupancy of 1/1/1, supporting a comfortable Naristro environment. Due to safety standards, the captain must have well established standing with Union in order to equip this POD.
Due to laws involving crimes against sentients, this POD cannot be unequipped while there are any passengers on the ship.
This can be installed with an alien Union cabin or alien tech cargo expander. Due to potentially lethal environmental contamination, this cannot be equipped with human cabin or standard cargo expander, or the Union Rickshaw POD for human passengers. This device also requires a small amount of Alien Industry skill and certification.
Last edited by Akkamaddi on Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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