The Exile Resource Token can be accessed from the 'CE Guides Tab'. This option will allow you to spend your Exile Resource Tokens on Resource Boxes. You will be able to select from a drop-down list that includes ALL the CE resources.
You will then be able to choose which box you would like to trade for a Token. Each token gets you a Box.
The token has a set value (Currently market value is 3,500,000 Million.) and this value will be divided by Joes Price to define the AMOUNT in the box. That way everyone gets the same value for their box based on Joes prices & what they selected.
This will allow those of you that HAVE tokens to spend them on whatever type of resource you get and know that the price is a fair one based on the lowest price in the game.
Each token will get you ONE Box. But you may purchase as many boxes as you have Tokens. So, if you want two boxes of Jallycite or two boxes of Buritozol Gas then you need two tokens.
Token Value is now SET @ 3.5 million based on Joes Values.
How do I get the Tokens?
Exile Support Tokens are given away as prizes during the festive periods of the year and can also be purchased directly from the CE Official Store.
These are added to your account and can be seen in the Player Bio under the 'Upgrades Tab' listed at the top. You can collect as many as you want and spend them when ever you wish. They will remain on your account until they are spent.
Q: How will you cater for orders over £25.00?
A: I will award tickets to your account (which you will be able to see in your Bio Section) for each spend of £25.00 or more Multiples of. So if you spend £50 you will get 2, spend £75 and you'll get 3 etc. you get the idea. That saves you having to place multiple store orders just to get more tokens

NOTE: the above relates to periods when the tokens are announced as rewards for Spending, this is ONLY for these periods and is NOT a standard in the store.
Q: Can I trade the Tokens?
A: No these tokens will be added to the Captains name Given in the box at the time of making the order. simply tell us which captain to add the token too. Once added they are non tradeable. Nothing stopping you trading the contents of a box to someone afterwards though.
Q: Will there be a list of the Resources available.
A: No need Every 'Resource' (See GBM List) will be covered.
Extra Ways to get a Token
We will also be awarding these tokens as prizes in the festive periods of the year. So everyone stands a chance of getting one even if they don't have cash to spare. Of course the best way to get them is to support CE and purchase one or more.
Final Note: These tokens and the boxes are a form of support for Core-Exiles & it's players. They are a reward to those who support us and also a hopeful draw for reasons to spend in the CE Store. We are simply trying to keep the CE game afloat and able to pay its own way.
Post updated to reflect changes made during 2020.
Updated : 1st June 2020