Competition Rules

Check out the regular competitions section. We always have something on the go. Old hand or New Player, don't miss out on winning a prize!
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Competition Rules

Post by Coops »

This forum section is for the posting of Community Driven competitions. These are often initiated by Dev's or Staff but are not conclusively so. Should you wish to run a competition of your own simply check with a CE Staff member or Dev and as long as the general principle is sound you are free to post here.

If taking part IN a competition please ALWAYS take the time to READ the initial post. Posts by players that do not follow the initial instructions or posts that disregard the competition rules will be ignored or in some cases simply deleted.

All posts must reflect our Family friendly attitude and should not contain profanity or flaming or unwanted heavy handed posting. We reserve the right to modify / edit & were necessary remove posts. CE staff and Administrators will actively moderate this forum.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!