Posting Rules

General Discussions about Core-Exiles and pretty much anything off-topic. All we ask when posting, is that you remember we have a family audience.
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Posting Rules

Post by Coops »

This section is for General Posts. You may be off topic if you wish or simply post here if you cannot find a relevant section for your discussion. We may move your post if we feel it belongs in a section that already exists. Please do NOT post Suggestions in here! There is a dedicated section for Suggestions.

All posts must reflect our Family friendly attitude and should not contain profanity, flaming or unwanted / unwarranted heavy handed posting. We reserve the right to modify / edit & were necessary remove posts. CE staff and Administrators will actively moderate this forum.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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