More Rapport Contract Options

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More Rapport Contract Options

Post by Coops »

I've been a little distracted of late and decided to work on a few bits that were meant to be added a while back and got sidelined. Namely, that of Extra Contract options. Up till now, the only contract option was Combat. True, it's been very popular amongst those 'doing' combat, but it's not ever one's cup of tea.

So I have created a collection of new NPC's. Note : All 'Contract' NPC's will expect you to have a minimum of Level One in Rapport. That's the second rank XP bar we track at the top of the game. Mouse over it if unsure. You can also see your Rapport level located next to your Captain's Level in the header. Again, mouse over the captain icon if unsure.

Checking Rapport Contracts: I have expanded the Contracts page (now linked off the main View Tasks Tab) and renamed it 'Rapport Contracts'. This page will display ALL the contracts you have active. It also gives a little info if you don't have them active. It also finally CHECKS to see if a contract has been completed when the page is loaded.

So remember to return to the Rapport Contracts page to keep an eye on the progress. You may take one of each Contract at any time, but only one of each. No doubling up, I'm afraid. As you get higher in Rapport levels, the challenges and rewards will get larger and larger.

New Contract Type - Mining : You can now grab Mining (Federation of Mining) Contracts, these are similar to combat in that you will be asked to show you have mined X amount of Ores. This is any ores / gases mined by hand during your normal game play in the Asteroid Field. No automated ORSA or other activities will count.

New Contract Type - Cargo: This one tracks Cargo delivered, bonus for this one is it can be ANY cargo delivered for ANY of the Haulage companies. So take a contract and deliver X for Ashar, Y for Wesbec, or Z for Sunflowers, it does not matter. As long as you're dropping off Mission Cargo, it will count on your contract.

New Contract Type - Passengers - Union: Similar to the others, this simple tracks any passenger dropped off whilst the contract is active. It's a great way to earn extra funds and a nice XP boost when the task is done.

Please Note
: I know I'm going to get asked this 101 times, so please read and digest. Contracts are 'Incentive' boosters. They incentivise you to do combat, Mine, Haul or ferry passengers. They SIMPLY TRACK your normal activities within that given profession for that contract. You do NOT have to do anything special other than take the contract and do what you normally do.

When completed, you will receive a nice fat Credit bonus and an XP bonus based on this. Also, a Rapport XP Reward.

XP & Credit Booster : Take note, when you're talking to a Rapport NPC, they will also include a Credit and XP boost. This is active WHILST the contract is active. This ramps up to a maximum of 65%. The offered bonus is shown to you before the contract is accepted. Once taken, it becomes active and is applied at the point you would normally get paid or earn XP.

Also note, the Contracts offered are based off your Rapport Level and a few other key elements. So keep that in mind as you visit the NPC's and start checking them out.

So where are these NEW NPC's Coops...

Well, I have added three New ones for now to accompany Elsie Caddell (Combat). I have coded up 9 in total, but in this first release I want to just release one of each. Let's wait a few weeks to ensure everything is as expected, then I will drop the others in other Galaxies.

Todd Jagger | Asiq | Lorat : Cargo Contracts
Brent Tignor | Falchion | Phidarin : Passenger Contracts
Summer Arrellano | Yagan | Errat : Mining Contracts

Like I say that leaves me 6 more to deploy once we know it's working. The staff have given it a light testing and I myself hammered it quite hard. But I know how testing and live environments can differ :)

I hope you enjoy these incentivising NPC's and have fun :)

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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