Report the Pirates & Win...

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Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by Coops »

Time for a Competition....

It seems that the Pirate Leadership has once again been targeted by the Gal-fed authorities and as such been put on their 'shit-list'. I can't say what triggered this escalation, but I can tell you that the Gal-Fed Authorities are willing to pay top $ for information on the Pirate's whereabouts.

Specifically Gal-Fed are looking for

Greedy Wolf
Storm Killer
Dark Raven
Dragon Bane

These Five Captains are on the current 'Most Wanted' list. Gal-fed wish to know the following :

Location Spotted, System and Galaxy
Time (based on Galactic Game Time (from Footer)

Inter Galactic Jumpgate Officers have been asked to post any signs of the known Five Criminals into the Galactic News and header. This may help you track the Pirates down. Please note: it's unlikely the pirates will remain in anyone location for a great length of time.

Save us all time though and check he's not been reported AT that location already....

Rules :
#1 One Report PER Pirate (so you can take part in this competition a max of Five Times!)
#2 You must report Name, location, system, Galaxy + Time (from Game Time on Footer).
#3 Only main Toons may take part. No reporting from Alts!
#4 You must have fun whilst searching!

So to recap, five captains moving around. First to report their location (correctly) wins a prize (see below). You can report EACH captain ONCE! So that's Five claims only, max. Only Primary Toons can claim, no alts on this one.

Eventually I'm sure one of your reports will lead to the apprehension of the Pirates. So slowly they may be removed from the list above. Check in to see who's been captured and who's still at large!

Each time a correct report is filed and verified against docking logs the reporter will win:
1 Months Premium Account
5K Fuel Ticket
1 X Exiles Resource Token!!

Competition Ends : Midnight on the 31st of December


P.S for those new to Core-Exiles or perhaps never spotted it before. You can view who's docked at any location you are docked at by visiting the 'Docked Captains' icon on the Promenade header. Icons near the Passengers and Collection Point icons.
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by mropso »

Found one:

Greedy Wolf
GT: Nov 24th 12:29 pm
Current Location: The Spinney • Current System: Darklight
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by mropso »

Number 2:

Storm Killer
GT: Nov 24th 12:47 pm
Current Location: Risaph • Current System: Zhusul
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by Porrima »

Dragon Bane
Current Location: Sinmore • Current System: Zercry; Galaxy: Furnace
GT: Nov 24th 1:02 pm
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by Porrima »

Current Location: Asuras • Current System: Blake Galaxy: Furnace
GT: Nov 24th 1:29 pm
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by mropso »

Number 3:

Dark Raven
GT: Nov 24th 1:50 pm
Current Location: Leca • Current System: Yaralista
Kermit De Frog
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by Kermit De Frog »

Found 1
Current - Location: Starbase-63 • Current System: Sellby in Furnace
GT: Nov 24th 3:11 pm
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by RedBlaque »

Greedy Wolf located
Zeron, Salazar, Furnace
GT: Nov 25th 4:23 am
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by Utopia »

Dragon Bane
Current Location: Cro • Current System: Vosay
Galaxy: Verec-Per
GT: Nov 25th 8:01 am
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Re: Report the Pirates & Win...

Post by Utopia »

Current Location: Isami • Current System: Beud
Galaxy: Verec-Per
GT: Nov 25th 8:10 am