November Slow Roll

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November Slow Roll

Post by Coops »

Typically, in the past we have Run Octobers festivities directly in to the November ones, this has sometimes caused a lot of confusion as to what ends when etc...

So for a change I'm going to Slow Roll October to a close and Then start off November. So here's the Scoop on what ends when and how long you have etc :)

First off, the Pumpkins will continue to drop for a few more days. They EXPIRE (Read that as will disappear from your ships stores and stashed hideaways after Midnight on the 15th. So you have till then to trade them, hand them in to any NPC's or festive activities before then.

Halloween Exchanges will CLOSE at Midnight on the 5th. That means you only have till then to drop off pumpkins and earn Halloween Points. Note, ANY points on your account when they close will REMAIN on your account till next year.

Festive NPC's (Pumpkin Jack, Hal Owen, Pumpkin Bob etc) will start to transition over to November Festive NPC's starting today up to the 5th. It will be a slow transition, giving you a few more days to collect the smaller sets and drop them off for rewards. By Midnight on the 5th, all will be transitions over to November Festive ones.

Pumpkin Hand in this is the one where you needed to collect one of EACH pumpkin and hand them in. This is done via the link in the Private Messages Section. This one closes on the 15th at midnight. So if you still have not completed that one you HAVE TIME to barter, steal beg borrow missing pumpkins.

Rexxolleens will continue to drop right up to the 15th of November when the hand in for those closes at Midnight.

Around the 5th of November, you can expect to start to see the November Festive items start to arrive in the festive 'Play To Win' handout. At that Time I will make another post with some November festive actions.

Hopefully this slower transition will stop the 'Waaa I didn't know' and the 'Huh, where has the Office, link competition gone' ? If you see someone asking about dates and when does XYZ end, send them here...

Have fun and see you in Chat...

My Birthday tomorrow, so may not be around as much as normal, but I will be checking in.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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