Galactic Trade Consortium

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Gabby Newsome
CE ISN Reporter
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Galactic Trade Consortium

Post by Gabby Newsome »

Absolutely! Here's a revised version of your ISN news post:

Hello, dear Voyagers of the Vastness!

Gabby Newsome here, bringing you your essential interstellar updates.

Today's headline comes straight from the Galactic Trade Consortium who, in an exciting turn of events, has announced plans to establish a series of trading posts dedicated to Trade Commodities or TCs. Our very own veteran, Coops, is here to delve deeper into this cosmos-shaking news.

Coops, the floor is yours.

Thank you, Gabby. TCs, for the uninitiated, are a unique category of commodities, products of high-tech, law-abiding NPC systems. They could be anything, ranging from the commercial goods of Meltram, genetic exports from Parthius IV, industrial goods from Aeon Harbour, social goods of Dalmer Hub, or the flora exports from Ikora.

Here's the scoop on TC's: They can be traded and stored just like any other resource, are a valid GBM resource, and can also be utilized as crafting resources. But remember, these aren't available off the shelf to the general public. You'll need to gather them through combat loot, Wreck Salvage professions, or daring exploration of deserted sites.

The Galactic Trade Consortium has begun opening 374 Trade Commodity Vendor Offices on promenades scattered throughout the universe. These offices consist of two sections, both willing to buy your TC's right off your spaceship. The first section lists the local TC's of the system, their prices fixed and unaffected by any local or player-driven factors. This offers a reliable base value for these TC's.

The second section, however, is a whole other beast. Each office will randomly select a variety of TC's from across the universe that they are in need of. The pricing here is based on several factors, including the base value, distance from the manufacturing point, and player sales. If a resource floods the market, prices will adjust accordingly.

Each item in this lower section has a countdown, indicating how long the office will be buying that specific resource. Once the time expires, a new resource comes into demand, restarting the 720-hour countdown, giving you roughly a month to gather and sell.

And that wraps up our report.

This is Gabby Newsome, now signing off. Back to you, dear Voyagers, keep charting the cosmos and stay safe!
Star Field Reporter - ISN NEWS
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