Change To Ships Loadout

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Change To Ships Loadout

Post by Coops »

Earlier last week, I posted asking about what you'd all think IF I added two more slots to the Ship Loadout.... ?

I had my own ideas and the staff had theirs, and you all had yours. I read, considered and went 50/50. This is all come about because I'm in the middle of the largest art update the game has ever seen. Over 30,000 images are being chosen from those Midjourney and I worked on and that were then post processed in to CE format. During this time I got to thinking, what if we squeezed in another slot on each row...

Well today is that day :)

I have added a New system slot, brining you up to Four of those and a slot reserved for Passenger Cabins. So now yes you can have your cake and eat it, cargo / passenger carriers!

Not content with Just adding two new slots, I also have REMOVED the 'Only one unique item' per System AND Reactor! So now you can fit 3 or even 4 scanners if you choose all the same model. (lol I can see the calculators being reached for as I type). Or perhaps you've always wanted to fit two Tesla 6's :)

Note: There are a select few distinct caveats to these locks, but it's only a miniscule % of the total System / Reactor mix, and you'll be warned if the lock still exists. For instance, a T1 and T2 Scanner, but why would you want to waste a space on doubling them up anyway when 1 does the job. Bus as I say for the majority it's open house on fitting all the same versions now.

Footnote: A FEW of you (at the time of, release) WILL have a passenger cabin fitted in your 'Cargo' Slot. Once removed, you will NOT be able to fit anything other than cargo expanders in that slot. So once removed, it will need to go in the newly created Passenger Cabin slot. I mention this to stop a dozen bug reports on day one. I decided to let you remove them when ready.

I have also released New Art for ALL systems and Engines. You MAY have to clear your browser cache to see the new art, if you're seeing the old images, you know you're in that boat. This site is fairly up to date on how to do that on different browsers and OS's :

I hope you enjoy your new-found freedom with the extra slots and the release on the locks placed over 15 years ago now on the same item in different slots.

Happy Hunting Fellow Exiles....

P.S At this point in time I will not be adding this function to ships when transferred to Corporations. The additional work involved is quite large, and the chance anyone would use it is minute. I will consider it later in the year after things calm down from 'Back To the Core'.
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