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Another Suggestion - Complete

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:16 pm
by Coops
As per the title, I decided to plunge ahead and turn another suggestion in to a reality today. This one relates to Settlements.

Should you own a Settlement you can now add a Bio for it, perhaps you want to welcome visitors to your settlement, inform them of your special offers or perhaps ask them to let you know what next great and wondrous Offices or Promenade store they would like.

Either way, the Settlement Bio can now be created and edited from the Settlement Overview > Settlement Settings Page.

This will at the same time add it to the Galactic Data Repository, this is where players can look up where places are in relation to Galaxy and System.

Q: So How does anyone SEE my new Bio Coops ?
A: I'm So glad you asked.

I spent a chunk of today cleaning up some of the historical naughtiness that's crept into the way the promenade was built (all those years ago when I had hair). Along with this, I cleaned up the Bar that indicates the status of your Settlement. From there on the end is a 'Link' to the Settlement Bio. Click it and anyone can now see your Bio.

Plus as stated above they can review it from the Galactic Data Repository as well at any time.

Whilst this is not a pictorial personalisation, I feel it's enough to give you a chance to add some flavour to your Settlement.
