Easter Basket Collection

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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by fjiekie »

Dropped off at Current Location: Jerris Outpost • Current System: Fieron • Faction: Alliance • Law Level: 10
lvl 175 hauler
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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by Yokose »

Hey there Coops, so I've dropped off a set of Baskets at Popovich in Trantor, located in the Anvil galaxy. Thanks so much for everything you do and with a new born too! Hope all is well with you, your wife and daughter! Have a great day and thanks again!

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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by posie »

Dropped complete set al Sassion in Palham System

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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by Hunbaba »

A set of Easter baskets dropped off at Sassion, Palham.

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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by Mkgel »

Easter Basket 1, 2 & 3 dropped for you at San Diego, Hammer, The Forge

Thank you!

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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by The Wolf »

Dropped off a set at: Current Location: Sassion • Current System: Palham
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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by Rapa2k »

Dropped off Current Location: Dunarch • Current System: Haine, Expanse
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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by MadMaxxx »

Dropped a set of baskets to you Coops

Current Location: Tagons Tender • Current System: Bedlam Sphere Galaxy

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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by Yogan »

Set of 3 dropped at San Gallen : Descarte
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Re: Easter Basket Collection

Post by Utopia »

Set of 3 baskets dropped at Mos Eisley in Ethan. Thank you.