Kubaf Support Site

General Discussions about Core-Exiles and pretty much anything off-topic. All we ask when posting, is that you remember we have a family audience.
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Kubaf Support Site

Post by Coops »

I tend to get a frequent litany of 'Coops do you know when the Kubaf site is coming back'...

Kubaf hasn't been working on his site for a long time now, but a while back he did tidy up the code to a degree that we can now host it without any major issues. So, as he's not managed to bring his site back (again) from free hosting, I have decided to host it for him. If only to stop the daily questions :)

I have hosted his code and Database OVER HERE It should be safe over there and won't impact the game or the subdomains we run for you. It is provided 'as is' as it's not my code.

I have updated the link here in the forums. Whilst on the subject, Ashley Upson site is still offline, and he did say he was having issues with his host. But I will try to keep you informed.

Don't forget our own @thewolf has his own support site Project Eagle as well, he's been working on it for a while now when he gets time.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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